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Just a quick little preview of the beginning of Chapter 20, haven't named it yet. This made me laugh while writing, hope it makes you laugh while reading. I'll try to get the full chapter done and uploaded by hopefully next week, if not sooner. Enjoy...

Chapter 20

"You're glowing..." My mom said with the hugest smile on her face. She was leaning against the counter staring at me as i was making myself a quick snack.

"No i'm not, what are you talking about?"I said to her, trying to hide my blush.

"You are honey, it's all over your face right now. It's like a neon sign!"She laughed and patted me on the back. "It's that cute guy who brought you home isn't it?" She said, poking me in the cheek. "He's a real hottie, i like him." I couldn't hold my laughter in.

"Mom stoooop."

"What's his name again?...Lambert?"

"Mother, it's Lan-ter."I pronounced. My mom was a trip but i loved her to death.

"What did you guys do last night?"She asked, breaking the silence after ten seconds. At this point a bite of my sandwich was already in my mouth and the minute she asked that, i started coughing, almosting choking on the bread. She handed me a glass of water and when i recovered i glared at her in shock...speechless.

"A mother knows sweetheart. I just hope you were smart about it." And she walked away with that last statement, leaving me with my half eaten sandwich in awe. Now that i thought about it...we weren't; it happened so suddenly i didn't even think about that. I started panicking and i left my food on the counter and ran up to my room to check my calender. {Oh good, i'm not in green week yet} I let out a sigh of relief. No pregnancy for moi!

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