Chpt 7: Welcome Back...??

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My mom freaked out when i explained to her what went down on the night of homecoming. I mean she understood the fact that i'm getting older and i may tend to act without thinking; which is what teenagers usually do, so she gave me 'the speech' about sex and boys and blah blah bullshit have you anywhere? no mam, no mam, i really don't care.

Wait til she found out about Sassy's experience with her boyfriend Brad. Better my mom than my dad. He never takes anything easily and it's hard for him to get over something. He still hasn't spoken to me since the morning i came home and i can't begin to tell you how much it actually hurts.


The bell rang to signal that it was lunch and i quickly snapped out of my thinking, packed my handbag and rushed out of class to meet the girls at the bathroom. (our usual meeting place at lunch) We had to freshen up and make sure that errthing was on point! according to Tammy, haha.

I met the girls at the bathroom and carried on our daily routine; brushed our hair, re-applied make up, gloss and perfume, checked eachother out and headed to the cafeteria, talking and laughing along the way. Our cafeteria was big, big enough for the school and pretty comfortable, the only thing that needed a little upgrading was the food. I mean it was good and all but it couldv'e been a little "high class" as Daniel said.

We got our trays and joined the line that led to the buffet section where we could take what we wanted (but no refills)...stupid i know.

"Guys i can't stop thinking about homecoming night." Tammy told us as we shuffled one space down the line.

"Ohemgee, me neither! i've never been that drunk in my life before" Danny giggled at her concept.

"Well i've never BEEN drunk before...until the other night that is..." They looked at me with awe as if they thought i was lying or something but then they laughed in an "expected "way.

"That's a big shocker. Sooooo how'd it go with you and Tye?"

"Yeah gurrrl, did you guys get it on?"

{nice choice of words Tam!}

"Noooo we didn't do anything. I stopped him when he was getting too rough, so nope, i'm still a virgin."

We scooted down the line some more and finally arrived at the first set of trays displaying macaroni and cheese. I filled my bowl with some, seeing that i was so in love with macaroni and cheese.

"I think you were just scared." Danny boldfacely said

"No i wasn't!" I shouted in defense of myself, knowing that i really was scared.

"Guys this is nothing to make a fuss about. Ash still hasn't completely come out of her shell, so whaat?" Tammy butted in.

She was right though because i would never really change who i am.

We went over to our usual table and joined our handsome boyfriends for lunch, after stacking up our trays. Dani sat with Ethan, Tammy with X and of course, me next to Tye. When we came to sit with them he gave me a light peck on the lips and smiled (not his usual greeting. I guess he was still a little upset about homecoming night.)

"Soooo welcome back to life Ashley, you're free again!" Ethan said throwing up his hands like a seven year old. The others laughed.

"Actually no. I still have this week left and then my month's over." It has been a tragic four weeks of being grounded for being a teenager and i could not wait til it was over and i was free again.

"Oh great, so then you could make it to my party on saturday night, right babe?" Tyler smiled at me. {i sure hope i do}

"Ummm, yeah of course i'll try my best to be there." I told him.

"It's my birthday baby, how can you miss it?"

"I won't Tye."

The girls looked at me in a weird way and i instantly felt uncomfortable. As if it couldn't get any worse i saw everyone mumbling and staring at someone walking into the cafeteria. The person walked in slowly with, looked like Dexter, walking beside them. We turned our heads and looked up trying to see who the person was. Dexter stepped aside and we got a glimpse of who it was. I gasped in shock.

"Annie??" i whispered

"Annie, as in Annabelle Stryder?" Tye's question followed mine.

"Looks like she's back." Xavier added

"Back from where?", "Where did she go?" I was so suprised to see her, i was asking a lot of questions.

"No one really knows. Some say she killed someone and was sent to Juvy, others say rehab..." Ethan explained to me.

"So the freak's back, big woop!" Daniel commented. "Good thing you don't socialize with that anymore Ash."

I gave her a weak smile. I didn't feel comfortable with that term of description at all...seeing that Annie was best friend. I looked down to place some macaroni and cheese into my mouth and when i looked back up, my eyes met Annie's. My heart sank.
















I hope you guys like this chapter. Sorry if it's too short, i'll try to write more.

What do you think will happen next?

Will Ashley and Annabelle be friends again?

Stay tuned for much more to come. Comment, vote, follow me and keep spreading the love!

See you guys when i next upload. Oh and if you have any little ideas for the story, run it by me in my inbox or message board and i'll concider.


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