Chpt 10: The Beginning of A Beautiful Depression

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{He is so cute}

I looked up from my phone and smiled at him. He had just returned from the bathroom. Lanter was kind enough to pay for the bill when the waitress came back and after he told me that he'd ditched school cause the whole picture thing was harshing his mood.

Sadly it was time for us to part ways for the day, Tamia had texted that the bell rang and school was over, just in case i lost track of time, which was exactly what happened. I was too deep in convo with Lanter. When we were outside, we exchanged numbers and he offered me a ride home but i didn't want to risk anything with my parents or even Tyler seeing us together. I was mad at him but i still cared, so i took the bus and headed straight home.

When i walked inside i saw my sister and her boyfriend on the couch in the living room watching fast and furious. My parents were'nt at home yet, it seemed.

"Heeyyy Ashley, how are you?" Brad said as he head me come in.

"Not so good but who cares..." I lamely answered him and Sassy got up and came over to me. That sisterly sensor thing she does. Sometimes it's like she's the older one.

"What's the prob sis?"

-sigh- "I'll talk to you later, i just wanna lock myself in my room and cry in a corner."

"Oh-kay." She looked worried and confused. I dropped my keys on the kitchen counter, grabbed a quick snack and ran upstairs. I decided to take a long, warm shower to think, relax and see if that would help. I just ended up crying again, thinking that Tye lied to me and he did send that photo, that my life was over.

{pull yourself together, you will get through this}

I stood up slowly and turned the shower off, wrapped myself in my towel and stepped back into my room. I air dried during the last 20 minutes i just layed there on my bed with my eyes clothes, so then i decided to get up and put on my Shuffle! t-shirt and stay-at-home shorts and go right back to laying there. I ended up falling asleep and woke up to the sound of arguing downstairs. Yay, my parents are home *total sarcasm in case you didn't notice*

{Ugggh, what the heck is the problem this time?}

I didn't bother to get up, just grabbed my beats neon head phones and turned the volume up on blast. I was sick of my parents arguing for bullshit and besides, i had my own problems to deal with.

"Jack, shut up, that won't solve the issue you put me into!" I heard my mother shouting through the imagine dragon lyrics of radioactive.

"We both have to deal with it Susan and i told you we're keeping the girls out of it!"

"Theu are our daughters, we can't keep them secluded from every problem we face, they're grown!" My mom's voice growing and getting shaky.

I put my pillow on my face and closed my eyes, trying to drown out the disturbances but ended up flying right back up when Sassy came in and slamed my door shut.

"Uggghh!" She dropped herself on my bed and buried her head under another one of my pillows. "This family is stupid." She mummbled under the pillow.

I took my headphones off and sat up. "You think the problem's the morgage again?" i softly asked her.

"I don't know...and i don't really care, i just want them to stop."

"Me too. I want it all to stop." Mostly saying that to myself, i answered.

"Girls!?" My mom called at us. We got up and went to the top of the staircase, looking down at her, refusing to go downstairs.

"Your dad and i have to go deal with something outside of town. We'll be back in the morning, will you guys be okay here?" She asked with a glimmer of stress in her eyes. Sassy and i just nodded in response to her and went back into my room.


Sassy had called Brad back over the minute my parents left the drive way. He came over with three large boxes of pizza and Sass called me down for a few slices but i wasn't hungry, i wasn't in the mood for anything. I write in my diary everything that occurs in my life, especially in this new life i had, so i was writing about the picture fued (that's what i named my entry) when i got a call from a blocked number. At first i just looked at the phone and let it ring, like i did when my friends and Tyler called earlier but the third time it rang, i just picked it up...

"Hello?" I softly said into the phone.

"If you know what's good for you, stay away from Tyler!" The person on the other end said.

"What, who is this?"

"You're worst nightmare bitch!" and hung up.

My day was bad enough as it was and now this!?. The person on the phone tried to disguise their voice by using a call modifier but i could've still picked up that it was a girl talking. Stay away from Tyler if i knew what's good for me?? who the hell did she think she was? I was trying to come up with possible people who would've done this but then a massive headache formed and i got even angrier than before. Although my stomach was empty, i popped an advil with some water and went to lay down after checking on Sassy and Brad. They were making out as usual.

I curled up under my monster high sheets, and put my beats back on. The song that came on the minute i pressed play again was life & death by Lost OST. I immediately started crying again and this time with more pain. At this moment, i was really hating this life of mine.

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