25] Trying...

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I posted this chapter because I didn't like the last one.

"Don't break her got it Boys." Joker said and walked away. The guys looked at me and laughed.

"Are you sure you want to play?" They asked and I took the jacket off. "Well I gotta have fun some how." I said and sat across from the guy.

I put my arm on the table and smirked at the guy. "Im not gonna play her..." He said and I smiled at him. "Okay babe, go easy on me..." I said and a few other guys ooed him.

"Fine..." He said putting his arm on the table and slipping his hand in mine. "Okay go" They said and our hands shook in the middle. The guy looked a bit surprised at my strength...but he hadn't seen anything.

"Are you trying?" I asked and he looked up at me. "No are you?" He asked and I shook my head no. He increased his strength and my hand went down a few inches and I looked at him again. "Are you trying now?" I asked and he nodded.

I pushed his hand till we were in the middle and the guys got surprised. "Are you still trying?" I asked pushing his hand down a few inches as he started going a bit red. "You shouldnt go that easy on me...I can take a bit more." I said having his arm only three inches from the table.

I slammed his arm down and left them all in shock. "Well that was hot..." I heard and they clapped a bit. I stood up looking at the guy as he rubbed his wrist. "Damn girl are you a mutant or something?" He asked and I laughed.

"Were did Joker Get you? Mostly the girls are crying in the corner." The guy next to me said. "Im not scared of anything, I don't get scared..." I said looking him up and down and smiling.

"Oh really?" He said at me and I smirked getting closer. "Try Me" I said and his hand went to my throat. I grabbed his wrist and twisted him around then pinned him to the wall. I pushed his arm up and he made a grunting sound.

"Im a Rough Girl Baby, Joker chose wisely this time around." I whispered Huskily to him and he smiled. "Why don't you show me how rough you actually are?" He asked and the guys laughed.

"I don't think you would Take it, Babe" I said and let him go as the guys laughed. I walked to the stairs and saw the joker at the top look at me. "Well I guess I lost." He said and I smirked at him.

"But these guys are easy...even Chuckles can flirt with them" he said walking into his office and Victoria came in full blast. "Oh really? So who do you think would do better hun?" I said getting in his face.

"Ay watch it doll." He said looking at me and walking to his chair. He sat down and I huffed out. I walked behind him. "Well Hun...this flirting thing isn't that easy ya know." I said leaning over the chair and speaking into his ear.

"You need to get real uhm touchy...Something I dont like." I said resting my hands on his shoulder as he glanced at some papers. "Need to find a weak spot to grab ahold of." I said tracing my finger up his neck and resting my hand on his jaw.

He stopped reading and froze there. "Its a really tricky thing...everything comes naturally but careful." I said stroking his jaw. "I don't know much about it so its not easy for me." I said finally tracing my thumb over his scars and he winced and closed his eyes.

"But I think I did Good down there." I said as he groaned a bit lifting his head up so he could see me. Only inches away as I traced his scar again and he looked at me. "What do you think?" I asked

I looked in his eyes and licked my lips as I looked at that Bloody grin of his. "I think you will do well." He said and I smiled. "See I told you" I said letting him go and screaming inside my self as I walked in front of the desk.

What the hell was I doing! Who took over? Victoria or V...it was Victory she is worse than both of them combined. I yelled at my self for what could of happened and why it didn't. It was so confusing.

"Okay so tomorrow I have to go and apply to be mayor and-" I Turned to him as he looked at my shirt. I checked to see if I had stains on it and waved at him. He snapped his eyes on my face and shifted in his seat. "Sorry doll what ya say?" He said and I sighed.

"Tomorrow I am going to the city counsel to go into election to be mayor and they are doing them fast because the back up died recently." I said and he snickered. "See I just uh, made things easier for ya." He said

"Yeah okay...Ill call you when I get out and tell you if there were any problems or something, got it?" I asked and he nodded. "Okay bye" I said opening the door. "Its rude to not say back." I said looking at the door.

"What you say?" he asked as I shut the door. I started climbing down the stairs and I heard a few whistles. "Go whistle at your selves I need to go boys." I said jumping of the last step and crossing my arms at the two guys.

"Well you sure looked like you had fun back there." He said and I rolled my eyes. "I was Joking around..." I said and they looked at each other. "Lets go joking around somewhere else then." They said.

One of them grabbed my arms and pulled them back. I threw my head back and hit him in the nose making him stumble back as the other one punched my side. "Well That Wasn't Kind..." I grunted and brought my knee up and hit him were it hurt.

"You Stupid Bitch!" He yelled at me raising his fist up as the other grabbed me from behind. The hit never came but the shot did. I saw the guy with a hole in his throat gaging his last few breaths.

"Thats no way to treat ah,lady, boys." I saw him descend down the stares with the gun in hand. I finally snapped out of it and elbowed the guy behind me and turned his arm behind his back and thrusted it upwards.

Joker walked up to him while he licked his lips and took out a blade. The guy started to scramble under my hold but he winced in pain when he tried.

"What made you think you could uh, just go get something I brought home huh?  That never ends up well...you always end up smiling." He said and grabbed the guys face.

"I can take it from here doll you can go." He said more like a demand and I let go. I walked out as the joker dragged him somewhere. I heard yells come from him as I started walking home. By the time I reached a nearby alley I heard screams. Horribles screams of pain and terror.

"Thats probably why they fear him so much." I muttered to my self. I wondered if he did that to all of them. Or what he did...I've only heard two people in my grasp scream that loud before and it wasn't pretty.

I saw someone in the alley and took my blade to my side. I looked around carefully and saw a red dot glowing in the dark. It fell to the floor and I saw a guy leaning on the side of the alley.

I heard the screams echo in my head as my BloodLust came back to life. "Hey baby wanna-" I walked up to him and smiled. I haven't killed someone on purpose in a long time. "Sure why not" I said and brought The knife to his throat. "But the one getting something stabbed into them will be you."


Just to clarify...Victory has a lot of aliases okay. Her real name is Victory Corleone.  In the asylum she is Victory C and on the street she is Victory Terror in congrence and stuff she is Victoria Corleone. Yeah she has a lot of them.

When I have writers block crap like this comes out and I hate it. Tomorrow I don't have school so I will post a chapter in my morning and in my evening. Remember To Smile!


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