Chapter 19 - Second thoughts and last resorts

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Ok, it's been ages! But it's been snowing and I've had internal after internal (just did a chem one today) and I've been pretty busy! -getting addicted to NZ X-Factor.

Anyway.... the entries for the dress competition are AMAZING!!! I'll send out the link to check all the entries out again, and all you have to do is vote for them, by commenting on the number of your fave design in either this chapter, or the pervious chapter!!! fun times :D

Also.... 60 votes for the next chapter, which is going to be a fun chappie btw, when you find out where they're headed to next! :O

Enjoy, sorry for the long wait, and also, I'm thinking about creating a blog, which mixes my writing, art, moives and all that together, and it would be interactive and stuff...what do you guys think? Should I? Would you check it out?

Let me know, xxxx


Louis' P.O.V

"Thank you Miami! You were such an amazing crowd!" 

Camera's flash, blinding the five of us, as we all grin at the crowd of thousands. 

"Thank you!" 

"You were amazing!" 

"We love you!" 

"Can't wait to see you again soon!" 

"Thanks Miami! We-" 

"Louis? Louis? LOUIS!" 

My head snaps up and I blink a few times. 

Aspen, Stuart, Harry, Niall, Liam, Zayn and Perrie are staring at me. 

"Huh?" I wonder, running a hand though my hair, I must have tuned out of the conversation. The eight of us are sitting on the two large couches in the lounge of our Miami hotel suite. 

"We were just discussing what Aspen found, weren't you listening?" Liam asks me, looking a little annoyed. 

I shake my head, "Sorry guys, I'm tired as hell." 

They all nod, understanding, before Aspen launches into her spiel again. 

"So," she sighs, "I found out some, er, pretty shocking news." 

We all look at our platinum haired friend, who looks like herself once more, now that her and Perrie have switched styles again. 

"Go on..." I mumble, I hope the news isn't too bad. 

Aspen sighs, taking her iPhone out of her pocket and placing it on the table. 

"I couldn't take Daniel's phone, he would have noticed, but I think this is enough." She continues as we all lean closer to look at the image on the screen of her phone. 

The image is of an iPhone, a shiny blue case enclosing it, Daniel's phone. It's screen is open to a series of messages between Daniel and someone called Ryan. 

Aspen quickly double taps the image, so all of us can see the few messages displayed on the screen. 

The first one is from Ryan, "Hey Daniel, just wondering if the One Direction lads would be up for performing at our upcoming concert after their tour, it's for charity, and it would mean so much if the lads could perform. Let me know, Ryan." 

I then read the reply from Daniel, "Ryan! Never thought you'd ask! The boys and I would be thrilled to go, it means so much to give back, you know? It would be an absolute pleasure!" 

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