Chapter 15- Louis' suspenders finally get some use

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Hi guys!!!!!! How are you all?!  

Beautiful and amazing as per usual? I hope so! 

How about sixty five votes for the next chapter?!  

I know you can all do it!!!!! 

And I hope from the title, that you all enjoy this chapter :) I had a lot of fun writing it! Xx 

Eek, I love that so many of you are as exited for the Catching Fire movie as I am!

Anyway..... Thanks for all of your questions to Stuart! 

Here is the interview!!!!


Q: So....Stuart.... D'ya have any cute lil' nick names?? Like ... Stooie.....or... St-St-St-Stud Muffin? Oh wow, where did that come from? I'm sorry please, just stop me now ....xx

A: Lots of people call me Stu, Stuie...but the people who say that to my face never say it again. 

I just like being called Stuart.

Q: Stuart: What is your favorite gadget?

A: The grapple hook, cause it's awesome to scale walls with.

Q: What was your first impression of the boys?

A: Weaklings, and they were, also pretty annoying at first, especially Harry. I guess I can tolerate them now though, they aren't that bad.

Q: What's your fave undercover outfit?

A: A slick black tuxedo.

Q: If Stuart could date one of the boys who would it be?

A: I'd rather die. No offense or anything, but, I could NEVER date them.

Q: If you had a child what would you name it?? :) xx

A: I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Q: Oh I know Stuart can I be the godmother of yours and Jess future child oh I can also be godfather if you already have a godmother.

A: Suppose so...

Q: Stuart - if you had to go on a date with either Allison, Aerie, or Katerina who would you pick and why? and where would you take them?

A: Allison I suppose, cause she's smart. I'd take her to a shooting range.

Q: Stuart!---- Do you think Harry and Aspen are going to work out in to a relationship?

A: If they work out, I think thats pretty dumb on Aspen's part. Curly's just a player. I don't trust him.

Stuart: Is it going to work out for Aspen and Harry?

A: NO.

Note: I don't even know why Andy (Author) decided to interview me. She's so weird.


So there's the interview! I know, Stuarts quite short when it comes to the answers! And he thinks I'm weird :) hehe! Oh well! I hope you were all satisfied with the answers to your questions!  

And there a surprise for you at the end of the chapter!!!! Xxx

Liam's P.O.V

"Let the North American leg of this tour begin!" Louis shouts, as the seven of us enter our hotel suite in Mexico City, where we just touched down about an hour ago. 

"Lets!" Niall agrees, taking a huge bite out of the complementary taco's we'd all been given in a warm welcome at the airport. I've got to say, they are pretty delicious. 

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