Chapter 22 - Secrets

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Wow guys! You were crazy fast on the voting,

So I've put in a little surprise for you within the chapter.

Actaully the whole chapter is a first time thing.

The whole chapter is in Aspen's P.O.V

So I hope you all enjoy it!!! 

There's also a bit of puzzle solving for you guys to do within the chapter!!! 

So get on your thinking caps, and enjoy!!

Also, 70 votes for the next chapter ;)

Shouldn't take you guys too long, especially with the end of the chapter!!

Hehe, love you all!!! And Hopefully you will all enjoy a wee trip inside of our top agent's head, and the little secrets she has.....

Aspen’s P.O.V

I can’t open my eyes.

No matter how hard I try, it’s like I’m drowning and I can’t resurface.

And it’s killing me.

My body feels like a lead weight, dragging me down to the floor of some imaginary ocean, and no matter how hard I’m struggling to swim, I can’t.

The worst part is, I can’t remember a thing.

What happened?

Where am I?

Why am I in so much pain?

Why is it getting darker aga-......


Suddenly, my memories come, like a tidal wave, flooding back to me with a huge impact.

I can remember it all now, Stuart and I leaving the hotel, searching for a lead on a clue in the Louisville Museum, the men.

There were six of them.

We were out numbered, and even with our years of training we didn’t get away completely. 

Stuart did, he was the same size as them, and fought them with ease. As for me, even with my flexibility, strength and skill, I managed to get caught.

I remember one of them, dragging me off as I tried desperately to bite his wrist. 

His reply was kneeing me in the back.

I couldn’t give up though, I tried kicking him.

He kicked me harder.

Soon I was in a room, watching the figure as he paced back and forth, wondering what he was going to do with me. 

Then, out of nowhere, I was hit, by something, extremely hard...

And I blacked out.

The next thing I can remember is waking up again in the same room, to find myself bound by ropes, a wet towel stuffed in my mouth, which I quickly spat out.

That’s when I looked down, and found, lying next to me, was a note.

I don’t even want to remember what was on that note.

Come on Aspen, wake up, you need to. 

Wake up.


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