Chapter 27- Bright Lights. Big Mission.

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Hey guys! 

Wow, exactly one week until my ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!

(sorry, I'm really excited!!!)

So, I've decided to celebrate with this book as well, you'll find out how at the end of the chapter! :)

Congrats again to 13katie who created the winning dress design featured at the start of this chapter.

Yes, this is one of the classic spy scene Vegas chapters you've all been asking for!

Yup, tuxedos, casions, weapons and action, here we come!

One more thing, only 60 votes for the next chapter! (yup, cutting 20 off, you guys put in a lot of work to get to 80 the other day :)

Enjoy! xxxx

Zayn’s P.O.V

“Holy...” I mutter, looking at my reflection in my bathroom mirror, I barely look like myself.

I run another hand through my freshly dyed hair and give the sink a quick clean up just like Aspen instructed.

We didn’t want anyone to recognize us tonight, so for extra measures Aspen insisted each of us lads dyed our hair temporarily for the night. 

So, my ink black locks, are now a shade of mahogany.

Yup, reddish brown, I can hardly recognize myself.

It’s scary.

I turn away from the mirror and stride back into my Vegas hotel bedroom, grabbing my black tie off of my bed and quickly doing it up around my neck, before bending down and lacing up my shiny black shoes.  

Right, time to head into the lounge and wait for the others.

I head out of my room and stride down the glitzy hallway of our suite, before collapsing on the bright red couch in the center of the room. 

As I wait for the others I catch a glimpse of Vegas through the huge window in our suite, the midnight black sky illuminated by thousands of bright lights. 

It must be about midnight now, since our concert ended at ten, and Stuart left to go on his ‘date’ with Clarissa about an hour ago, leaving the rest of us to get ready without any interruptions from her.

I feel so sorry for him.

I guess it’s late, but I bet the Las Vegas nightlife is only just waking up, as the masquerade ball Daniel is attending starts at midnight.

“Wow Zayn, you suit mahogany!” An Irish accent chuckles from behind me, and I turn from the window to watch as Niall strides over to me to take a seat next to me on the couch.

“How does it feel to have your natural locks back?” I grin, looking at Niall’s now hazel brown hair, a stark difference from his blonde do.

Niall shrugs, “I like blonde more.”

I roll my eyes, “Sure, sure, it’s nice to see what your normal hair colour looks like anyway.”

“I know right!” a cheeky voice shouts, making the two of us sigh at Louis as he struts into the lounge, grinning, before licking his finger and placing it on his butt, making a sizzling sound effect to go with the action.

“Oh please, Lou, you’re too hot for your own good.” Niall groans, as Louis struts over to us and takes a seat next to Niall, ruffling up his hair.

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