Chapter 9- Cinq spies: En Paris

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Well hello again guys!!!

I can't believe you got 20 votes on the last chapter of Five Spies, overnight!!!

Thats awesome, except I hadn't written the chapter by then! So I'm sorry it's been a long wait :)

Ok, so seeing as you guys can do 20 votes overnight, do you think you can do 50 votes for the next chapter?

:) I guess we'll just see!

I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

xxxx 1dream41d

Harry's P.O.V

"Bonjour Paris!" I shout, grinning as I flop on the bouncy double bed in my latest hotel room. 

It's good to be back in France, I love the place, and I'm not half bad at French. 

I reenter the main lounge in our fancy French penthouse suite to find the rest of the lads either lying on the couch watching t.v. or in the kitchen making food. 

"Je suis trés fatigué!" Aspen sighs, padding slowly into the lounge, ruffling up her platinum blonde hair, which I haven't seen in a while actually, it's always under that wig. 

Niall looks up from the kitchen from where he's making a monster of a sandwich, "Huh?" 

Aspen chuckles slightly, "It means, I'm very tired. Niall, didn't you take French at least once?" 

"Uh," Niall mumbles, biting his lip a little, "I think I did it a few years back, but I forgot most of it." 

"Il est bête." I chuckle, making everyone in the room who knows French, laugh a little. 

Niall looks at me blankly, "That had better not have been mean." 

I smile sweetly at the blonde boy, "I would never even dare!" 

Aspen takes a seat down at the dining table, staring out at our perfect view of the Eiffel Tower, she sighs a little, somethings up with little miss perfect. 

I take a seat next to Aspen at the table, "Whats up Ass?" 

"What?" Aspen gasps, eyeing me. 

"Oh, it was my new nickname for you, but it doesn't really work, does it. Hmm, maybe you just wont have a nickname for now." I reply patting her lightly on the shoulder, her face softens a little. 

"I'd better not, that nickname sucks." She smiles, but there is still a glint of lost hope in her eyes. 

"So..." I mumble, "Whats wrong Aspen? You don't seem yourself." 

She sighs again, digging her hands into her hair, "Nothing really." 

"Give over Aspen, I want to help, nobody's perfect, tell me your problem." I groan, staring at her intently. 

Aspen huffs, "Fine. It's just that nothings happened over the past few weeks, we've been to Scotland, Ireland, and still, no leads after the letter, it's doing my head in. Also, remember in the phone call they said something was going to happen in France? I don't want to know what that is, but then, I've got to, because we need to stop it from happening." 

I place a hand on her lightly tanned shoulder, "Hey, I thought you of all people would know that not everything works out the way you think, you've just got to be patient." 

A half smile appears on her lips, "You're right Curly, I guess we should just enjoy ourselves whilst we're here in France for now, and what we need will just come to us, when we least expect it. How about we head out and have a look around, it's only one." 

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