Chapter 17- Andrea Takes Over!

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Hi guys! Sorry I haven't been on in the past few days!! Schools back on and I have a lot of this to do : STUDY! it's crazy! I found out today that I'm already halfway through my school year! :0 so, I hope you all don't mind if I am not as fast at updating and answering all your questing and reading your books and making trailers....phew! Yeah, I'm pretty busy, so please bear with me! Any support would be amazing!!! Xxx

So I saw you guys got to sixty votes SUPER FAST! Five spies is getting huge! So since I have been too busy to even start writing the next chapter and since my maths and French homework is a little more important I've decided to post re interview you guys did with me in its own chapter! My answers were to long to fit at the end of a chapter anyway! Xxx

Love you all and I hope my answers are ok! I also hope you can wait a few more days for the next chapter, I just want it to be up to standard! Xx

ASK ANDY!!! ;)

1) Andy---- are you going to make a chapter in Aspens POV anytime soon?

Hmmm, recently I've been thinking about it, and I'm pretty sure I will! *Spoiler* She's just grown on me so much as a character, and she's become bigger than I ever would have expected! So maybe on a special date or something, like someone's birthday, or a milestone with the book, I will write from her point of view. Or just when it feels right!

I will definitely write a chapter from her P.O.V when this gets a million reads...yeah, I don't think that will ever happen! ;)

2) Andy- What is your favorite part about writing Five Spies? How do you come up with the ideas? Is it difficult?

My favorite part is researching all the different places the boys travel to! When I started writing this I got the tour schedule for the TMH tour and since then I've been planning which destinations look the most interesting to go to! I have a huge folder on my laptop full of pages on the different destinations, and attractions, things like that. I also love doing art for the book! -but that has nothing to do with the writing.

I come up with the ideas though just random bursts of inspiration, dreams, and the occasional daydream. (hence the 'dream' part in my username ;) But when I'm talking with my friends, or flicking thought the tv I'll just go, "Hey! I have an idea!" Also, my mum is a huge help. She comes up with so many crazy ideas for this book :) xx

And sometimes it can be pretty difficult to write, but once I get into a writing flow it only takes a few hours to write a chapter :) All I need is some good music to listen to whilst doing it.

3) Did I read something about Las Vegas? Will there be the classic spy scene where they wear tuxedos!?!? That would rock!

Yes, yes you did! And OF COURSE! I have been dying to write a classic spy chapter, and I thought Las Vegas was the perfect place to set it, so don't worry, that chapter is coming soon!!!

4) Andy, what is your favorite animal and if you could spend one day with One Direction what do you think you would do?

Ooh, favorite animal. Thats a hard one. I'll just name a few, Llama, Dolphin, Narwhal and Unicorn. Also, anything that is remotely cute. I also love canaries, I used to have a pet one :3 but he died last year, and I miss him like crazy, he sung the most beautiful tunes! He was also very friendly, cuddly, and fluffy. *sob*

Anyway...:) On a lighter note, if I could spend a day with One Direction I would... Hang out with them in a recording studio, then go out to dinner, and see what happens from there! Generally have a blast! I actually asked my dad that question and this was what he thought would be my answer. I said I'd go surfing with them too, and he replied with "But you can't even surf!" :) gotta love my dad! Xx

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