Chapter 23 - Montre-alliance

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Bonjour guys! Time for another update! Yay! 

I am so glad you all enjoyed Aspens P.O.V in the previous chapter! So I'm experimentin with another P.O.V this week. 

Our favourite top agent (apart from the OneD lads)  


I decided when I was researching for the latest chapter that it would be best to write from Stuarts point of view as the time was right. 

So if you've ever wondered about Stuart's past, or thoughts on the boys and Aspen, here is your chance to get a look inside his mind!  

I'm glad I've done this because I think after this chapter a lot more of you will like him a whole lot more, as you see a completely different side of him!

70 votes for the next chapter! 

And we're back to the one d lads pov's next time!

Also, this chapter is dedicated to @_sasha who was the first to get the code on the last chapter, you all got it easily! Trust me, they'll get harder from here on! 

A few more things @True_Colours, a snow carrot is a giant carrot, made from, you guessed it...Snow! And I also hope you are hang a great day! X 

And @onedirection_luvr123 I liked your idea in your comment on the last chapter! I'm going to include it sometime soon ;) xx


Two and a half weeks later... 

Montreal, Canada.

Stuart's P.O.V

"Uh, take me by the tongue and I'll know you...uh, kiss me 'till you're drunk and I'll show you..." 

Right, just a few more minutes on this...hmm, maybe I'll move to some weights next. 

"All them moves like Jagger, I got them moves like Jagger, I got them mo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oves like Jagger..."  

I focus in on my the beat of my iPod, blasting through the speakers in the room, as I watch the power and speed of my strokes go up and up on the machine's screen in front of me. My muscles are aching a little, but I love the feeling a good workout gives you, it's refreshing in a way. 

Soon, I've had enough of the rowing machine I'm on and I get up, running a tan arm across my brow as I look out the huge glass window of the hotel gym, looking straight out to the crystal blue hotel pool.  

"I've got them mov-"  

My music cuts off, and I turn around to find Aspen fiddling with my iPod, settling on some Marina and the Diamonds. 

"Whats up?" I ask my fellow agent, as she amps up the volume of the song and bobs her head about to it, turning to grin at me. 

"Not much, just had a dip in the pool with the lads, seeing as I'm not allowed to work out heavily for one more week, until my ankle and ribs have fully healed. I'm pretty jealous of you right now." Aspen replies, giving me a friendly nudge on the side of my chest. 

Just then, she sarcastically cups her hand and pretends to cry, "Ow Stuart!! Your chest is so hard, I could have sworn I broke a finger!" 

I chuckle at my lively friend, watching as she rubs her fist to the beat of the song,  

"Ooh yeah baby, I know that it hurts, when your about to get your just desserts!" 

"How's the water temp? Should I bother taking a dip to freshen up before a shower?" I ask her, noticing she's only wearing her blue bikini and billabong throw-over.  

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