Chapter 24 - A lot is Haspen-ing

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Yay!!! Another chapter update!
-God, I love posting new chapters of this book, it's seriously what keeps me sane during studying for all of my internals and externals! :)

So thanks guys!! For always brightening up my day!!!

And drumroll please.......

This chapter is dedicated to @OneDirectioner777 who wrote the best fangirl comment according to my best friend, who took time out of her busy lunchtime to judge! *Big thanks :D*

She really loved all of your commnts, and had a hard time choosing, but she eventually narrowed it down!!! ~ she can't believe how many of you guys like my writing :)

Anyway, we're back to the lads P.O.V's in this chapter, so ENJOY.

And with all of the plot twists from last wek, this chapter is a relazing holiday of sorts.

Also... lot's of HASPEN.

And for everyone who liked Niall's rambiling in that Barcelona chapter (ages ago) about fanfics, 

The return of the rambling is back!!!!!!! :D


Ok, enjoy! xx

Niall’s P.O.V

Translate this, “Aspen est très sympa.”

I sigh, scratching the top of my head as I try to decipher what I am being told.

“Uhm...Aspen is très...terrifically sympathetic?”

Aspen sighs, face palming herself in disapproval, “Niall...for the hundredth time, it means Aspen is very nice. It’s easy hun, but practice makes perfect...maybe with you as an exception.”

The two of us are sitting backstage in the dressing room, our concert just finished, without any unwanted surprises thank goodness! The other four lads are getting changed; Sadly, since I got changed first Aspen took the opportunity of my spare time to try to teach me a bit of French, seeing as Montreal mostly speaks it too.

“Aspen, I just can’t speak French, it’s too hard.” I sigh, trying to give her puppy dog eyes so that she will save me from this torment. 

I don’t mind France, I love French food, and the country is beautiful, but yeah, language is not my strong point.

“Fine Niall, but try to learn at least a few basic phrases, you never know when they will come in handy.” Aspen replies, ruffling my dyed blonde hair as she gets up off the dressing room couch and heads over to help Louis get unstuck from his top.

How he even manages to get tangled up in T-shirts, I have no idea.

“So...” I start, looking to everyone, “What are we going to do for the rest of the night? I sure don’t want to just sleep tonight, we haven’t been out for the past two and a bit weeks! We should totally go clubbing!”

The boys all nod eagerly, and I chuckle as Aspen rolls her eyes.

“What is it with you guys and clubbing? Do you all not appreciate a good nights sleep?” she asks, looking at the five of us.

Zayn is the first to speak, “It’s fun Aspen! You know what that is right? Or are you just too busy being a workaholic with no social life like you’ve been since you broke your ribs and stuff.”

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