Chapter 31 - Premiere

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Hey guys! Sorry for the super super super long wait! Gah it's been too long! 

Far too long! But guess what?

I finished my practice exams!

And guess what again?

I actually did really well! (#soproud)

so thanks for all the fabulous study tips! I especially likes the tip about putting a weight on the end of your pen and then taking it off in the exam! - It actually works!

Anyway, the updates will come faster now! Especially because One D is going to be in NZ soon (although I'm not going to them this year)

Ok, lets have an easy breezy vote week :)

70 votes until the next chapter!

xx Enjoy! 

Louis’ P.O.V

“Gotta love suits, right lads?” I chuckle, securing my black tie as I quickly check my appearance in the brightly lit mirrors of the NYHQ mens dressing room. 

“We’ve been wearing them a lot recently.” Harry replies, shrugging on his black suit jacket, before turning to me and grinning, running a hand through my hair to tousle it.

“HEY!” I shout, whacking his hand, “Don’t do that Harry, I am capable of doing my own hair.”

Zayn turns from the mirror where he has just finished shaping his hair, “Oh really?”

I scoff at Zayn, “I don’t take as much care of my hair as you do Zayn. But seriously, does anyone?”

Zayn just gives me a cheeky wink and turns back to the mirror, giving his hair one last look.

I turn back to Harry, “Soo...what do you think Aspen’s going to be wearing tonight?”

Harry smiles sheepishly and shrugs, “I don’t know.”

“I bet you’re dying to.” I reply.

“Whatever Lou, whatever.” Harry sighs.

I lean up against the long black marble dressing room table, something far to extravagant for a room like this, but hey, this HQ has everything, I wouldn’t be surprised if the girls dressing room was decked out in diamonds.

Liam gets up from lacing up his black shoes, “So, what premiere are we going to? Anyone have any ideas?”

“Nope!” Niall replies, letting out a small groan as Zayn adjusts his tie, before batting his hand out of the way.

I let out a small chuckle, and turn to Liam, “I have no idea. Nobody tells me anything anymore.”

Liam turns to Stuart, “Do you know?”

Stuart shrugs, pulling on his black suit jacket, “Don’t worry, you guys aren’t the only ones out of the loop.”

Harry jumps up, “Stuart! I didn’t even realize you were in here!”

Stuart lets out a light chuckle, “You don’t realize much, do you, Curly?”

“I was knocked out by Niall for an hour! My brain is still a little blurry!” Harry shoots back.

Stuart grins, and then looks down at his watch, “I guess we’ll find out in a few minutes anyway, we’d better get down to the lobby to meet the girls.”

I look to Stuart, “Do we need any gadgets or anything?”

Stuart shakes his head, “Not tonight, the girls just want to scope the main suspect a little bit more, and make sure nothing happens tonight. We’re just going along for the premiere, and the girls tickets in, take a break lads.”

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