Chapter 13- Barce-Oh no & Gelato.

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Hey guys!!! It's been a while :) but I hope this is worth the wait!!! I really enjoyed writing this so I hope you all enjoy reading it!

And remember as usual:) 60 votes for the next chapter!! I bet you can also it! (Especially when you read the end of the chapter!!)

Now, the answers to the questions asked in the previous chapter:

One, you guys all have a really good taste in musicals, but I watched Chicago on the weekend and I have to say it is now my favourite!! :)

Two, you all had a great go at guessing my hair colour....but most of you were wrong!! (A few were right though so well done to you if you did!!)

My hair colour is dirty blonde!!! So there's a surprise to everyone who thought it was red, blue, brown, black... ;)

Also, you guys have some awesome fave foods!!

Enjoy the chapter and there will be more questions at the end! Xx

Louis' P.O.V.

"So, Allison, what are you doing in Barcelona?" Aspen asks, tapping her nails on the lid of her bottle of strawberry and peach duet as the eight of us sit at the table of a fancy waterfront gelato shop we'd agreed to meet at the night before.

I dig my clear plastic spoon into my small tub of delicious raspberry gelato, popping the sweet frozen mix into my mouth, savoring the taste as it dissolves instantly.

Last night is still a little blurry to me, but I was reasonably coherent compared to the rest of the lads, who are now fighting killer hangovers, apart from Nialler, who, even though he drank the most, is still cheerful and bouncy.

Lucky guy.

After Aspen's encounter with Allison last night we all decided to talk in the morning, seeing as us lads had a concert and performing tired isn't the best idea.

So now here we all are, us guys soaking up the sun and eating gelato's as we check out the hot Spanish chicks in bikinis sunbathing on the Barceloneta Beach, whilst Aspen and Allison try to have a civil conversation with each other, which is proving to be a hard thing to do, as it seems each girl just wants to claw the other's eyes out, I wouldn't put it past them either, the girls I seem to hang out with these days could kill me in about a second.

Allison twirls a lock of her dark blonde hair around a slender finger, her piercing grey eyes staring straight into Aspen's equally as deadly sapphire one's.

"Well," Allison starts, "I'm here on a mission, unlike someone, who's just touring with a boy band."

Aspen takes a sip from her drink, not wanting to have a gelato today, "Actually, Ali, I'm on a mission at the moment, probably a thousand times bigger than yours."

Allison laughs, "What? Body guarding a boy-band? And Stuart's helping you? Wow, they really do need security."

I decide to set things straight, and get out of my chair, walking over to where Allison is sitting.

"Psst, Allison." I whisper cheekily in her ear.

She turns, raising her eyebrows, unimpressed, but little does she know she's giving me the opening I need.

I quickly grab her right arm, thats raised to get a spoonful of gelato, and pull it behind her back in an excruciating hold, just like JJ did to Harry on that first day. Then I grab the spoon out of it as I hold it behind her back, and take a huge spoonful out of her gelato, swallowing it in one go.

All of this happened in about five-seconds, so, as Allison gapes at me, I whisper in her ear again.

"I'm a spy too."

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