The Preparation

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The town was alive and the streets buzzed like a thousand bees in the summertime and the sun shone down on Camelot. A lot had changed since the coronation of King Tedros. The town was happy and free and all sorrows had been buried. It was the day before the grand wedding of King Tedros and Queen Agatha. People were up all around, busy putting up roses and banners congratulating the King and Queen. A royal wedding was rare and cherished by everyone. Horses and carts lined the streets and all the deliveries were being made. The baker delivered the highly cherished cake,  twenty towers high and covered in sugar roses in pink, cream, and gold. The icing made from the finest ingredients and adorned with pearls made from the deepest part of the ocean. All was somehow peaceful, a sense of community and excitement flowed blissfully through the crowds of people. All was calm and happy until a carriage pulled up and out of it fell thousands of children, some girls dressed in pretty pink dresses with gorgeous flowing hair, others in sleek black uniforms with berets but still with pimples and spots and uncut hair. The King had let evil keep there old uniforms from the old School For Evil. These were of course the students from the School For Good And Evil, the school that many desired to go to after 'The Tale Of Sophie And Agatha'.
        The King had personally invited all of the students to stay in the West Wing of the castle so that they could come to the wedding the following day, the only rule was that no mischief went on. Any student who destructed the course of the wedding was to be taken back to school and severely punished.  Hester, Anadil and Dot were among those coming to the wedding, although evil they each were secretly excited to be coming to their friends wedding.
          "Woah, look at all of this, If I was this rich I don't know what I'd do with myself!" Anadil retorted.
          " I know what I would do!" Said Dot in her usual keen bean voice "I'd spend it all on sweets from the shop." The others fell about laughing and carried on, admiring all of the cool things about the palace.
Meanwhile up in the Main Wing of the palace Agatha stood, looking out of the window as her fellow students walked past, she suddenly found her self in a warm embrace and her eyes covered.
          " Guess Who?" Asked the 'Mystery' man.
         " Hmmmm?" She joked knowing who it really was " Edward from 'Tip Top Tailors'?
          " No silly! It's me!" Laughed Tedros as she sat down and stared at his beautiful Queen. Agatha had changed a lot since the coronation two years ago. She now had lovely flowing black hair and wore dresses of blues and light green.
King Tedros had also made new laws to make the school for good and evil fair by adding another two years of training to the students that needed it because they lost time during the 'Tale Of Sophie And Agatha' so that they were fully prepared. People who were thought to have reached their full potential could go if they wanted to but many stayed as long as they could.
There was a knock at the door and in trundled a maid holding a letter.
" Your M-majesty " she mumbled " You h-have two guests wantt-ting too see you downstairs, and you my Queen Agatha." She scurried quickly away. Agatha and Tedros exchanged glances at each other but quickly went to the top of the stairs. Agatha snuck a look through the banisters to see Hort + Sophie! Holding hands like two lovers. She composed herself before calmly walking down the stairs. She remembered when she first got here. Each day was a struggle not too fall down the thousands of stairs at the castle!
She ran up to Sophie and gave her and all mighty hug, before realising that the whole of the staff were stairing her blankly in the face. She hurriedly composed herself before addressing Hort and taking Sophie to the fireplace upstairs so that they could talk. Sophie told her things that she hadn't been told by the officials and when she asked about Hort, Sophie giggled and carried on. Hort had been offered the two years extra but had declined in order to focus on his talents and try to woo over Sophie. Instead he trained often with Merlin and took Sophie on various 'meetings' after one year of persistence she gave in and they were now happily in love.
Queen Agatha had asked that Sophie be her maid of honour at her wedding and when Sophie found out she said yes a dozen times. King Tedros found it would be only fair to have Hort as his Groomsman because of all his help in ' The Tale Of Sophie And Agatha.
The sun set, a glistening swirl of pinks and blues and gold. Tomorrow the wedding would be and tomorrow was to be the best day ever in Camelot, after the coronation!

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