Ready, Dress, Go

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The lazy sun awoke slowly, the village was already up. They were waiting to see the blue carriage roll through the streets, for inside the carriage was the dress. There had been much speculation about the dress over the last few months and so the carriage was the cosset that they'd get o seeing it before the wedding. Agatha watched out of the tower, she twiddled with her thumbs, a sign that she was nervous. Suddenly three rats crawled out from under her bed, she screamed before realising that one of them was definitely a bit more plump than the others, she relaxed,watching her three friends morph into human form. This must have been something they were learning more about at the school, because only she had really managed to do it well.
         " So nice of you to crawl in on me." She said sarcastically, before breaking into a grin and hugging her friends.
         " It was the only way we could! Dovey has put a charm on the doors so that there can be no escape!" Said Hester in her usual tone. There was a knock on the door and the three girls dived  behind the bed. In came a clothing bag. Sophie nodded and they left. Leaving her with the dress.

The girls came out from behind the bed and their eyes opened wide.

"The Dress!' said Dot, reaching out to touch the clothing bag before her hand was slapped by Hester.

"Don't touch it with your sticky fingers!" said Anadil ferociously. Agatha was so excited that her finger glowed a bright shade of gold. She opened the bag to pull out the most beautiful dress anyone could ever have. It was with with golden thread around the trim and the neckline. I had lace arms that were intwined with more gold thread and the veil was thin lace with a glowing shine. 

She placed it over her head and looked at herself in the mirror. She smiled and then looked back at her three friends, she could have sworn that she saw a tear in Hester's eye, gone in a blink. She laughed before hearing another knock. She gestured to the girls to hide and just as they hid under the bed Professor Clarissa Dovey came through and smiled as she saw her former student. She curtsied and shook hands with Agatha.

" Your Majesty,If you please I, on behalf of the school, have a gift for you on your wedding day." she waved her fingers to create a mahogany box with a lock on it. She Gave it to Agatha and with a nod singled that she may open it. 

Inside was a book, it was old and tattered but she could still vaguely make out the writing. It was the tale of Sophie and Agatha. She smiled and said thank you to the professor, who left the room.

Hester, Anadil and Dot got up and said that they must be off before Dovey took the register, and with that they morphed back into rats and left.

Agatha took the time to sit and open the book. She flipped through pages of their story, each one she remembered. She shivered as the name of her enemy was mentioned. The battle had been written in great detail and on the last page she saw a picture of her and Tedros at his coronation. 

She shut the book and stood up and looked at herself. She stood up tall and said out loud "I do."

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