Love Letters

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I'm Sophie ran down the corridor towards Agatha's door. As the pink rosy door came into her view to tried to slow down but it seemed though her feet and her brain weren't in line. She skidded along the carpet and she tried to dig her heels into it. She was still sliding rapidly down the corridor when something strange happened. She suddenly stopped. She paused to realise what had just happened but couldn't quite tell.
She approached the door and payed her manicured hand on the gold. She twisted it and walked inside Agatha's room. But instead of finding it empty she found, sat on the floor..

'Tedros!' She gasped, clutching her hands to her mouth.
'She's gone Sophie.' He whined before looking up at her, his piercing blue eyes locking with hers. But then something very peculiar happened. A single tear rolled down the mans handsome face. One of the very first he had ever shed.
His hands started to shake and that's when she saw the letter. At was on some of the pink paper Agatha always wrote on.
In her scribbled she could just work out what it said.
'My dearest Teddy,
I am sorry to leave you now but I know you still have feelings for Sophie. I love you too much for goodbyes but wish you the best until I return. My heart will always be with you and I'm sorry I have to leave, it's just that I can't marry someone who I know loves another. I need to think before I do anything else. Goodbye my love,
Agatha '
She could hear her voice pronounce every word of it. And she looked at Tedros.
'Is it true, you still love me?' She asked him cautiously for she now loved Hort and would never leave him for anyone.
'No, I love Agatha more than this whole Kingdom, I love her more than every star in Merlins Sky. I would give my riches and royalty to be with her. She is my soulmate' He said before he got up and walked out.

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