Tedros's Tale

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Tedros walked alone in a corridor of his castle. Silence hung in the air, heavy and an omniprescent reminder of the trouble looming ahead of him. 

But as he turned a corner a glint caught his eye, a candlestick, a candle down to its last dregs of wax, the wick the only thing keeping the flame burning. The flame drew Tedros in, like a light attracting moths . 

As he approached the candle stick his red eyes caught sight of something ingraved into the cold gold metal. A verse from a book he had read as a child. 

'Look ahead, there is so much to see,as time is like a candle you must do everything you can before the flame dies out' 

It was from a book his mother used to read him. Everynight before bed, she would sit. His face nestled into her silk night cover. As her lullaby voice serenaded him with the thougths of the author.

"Becuase in a flame there is a certain type of magic, one that as the candle burns , sparks inspiaration. So go my boy, and look ahead. To find the secrets that are lying dead." Tedros mumbled under his breath. Remembering his mothers sweer voice. Before a memeory came into his mind. 

One that he had tried to forget.

One that not a sole knew.

One he vowed to never relive. But before he could speak he felt the memory engulfing his every sense and bringing him back into the night that everything changed.

At once he was there, face nestled in the soft silk night gown that adorned his mothers pale soulders and made her look like a godess. He looked up at her china doll face, his eyes barely open. His body fighting sleep, becuase he knew his mother would leave him the minute the sleep took over his body. 

He listened to her voice, sweet as honey, as she spoke out the words layed out on the book infront of him. Each word having becoming alive on the page as it was said. 

"Look ahead, there is so much to see,as time is like a candle you must do everything you can before the flame dies out. Becuase in a flame there is a certain type of magic, one that as the candle burns , sparks inspiaration. So go my boy, and look ahead. To find the secrets that are lying dead. Find them and bring them back to me, before like the candle I seep away, and am lost to the darkness."

He heard a crashing sound outside the door, the crash instantly electrifiying every muscle in his body. He tensed his body and in panick looked up at his mother, and for a minute he saw a flash of panick cross over her calm face before she saw him and returned to her normal placid expression.

A deep grunt could be heard from outside the door, as the handle was clumsily fumbled.From outside a man fell into the room, his eyes red and bloodshot, his body posture stiff as the alchol coarsed throught his veins. A malicious look peireced in his eyes as he set eyes on his son. 

Tedros had to escape the memory, what happened next was too painful. But his body wouldnt repsond to his urges. He was paralysed with the fear of what would happen next. He would have to endure this night again.

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