Intruder Intervention

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Agatha spun round, her face now drained with colour. 'What do you mean?' she whispered, aware of the now growing voices outside her door.

'I mean that there are thousands of palace reporters outside this door, it doesn't look like it will stay closed for long' Merlin stayed at the door. 'We must barricade the door quickly!' His eyes lit up with this idea.

Agatha and Merlin began to charge around the room, as the noise of voices grew louder and louder with more people gathering. The dressing table was moved, then one by one the books under it. Then with great difficulty they dragged the bed over to block the door.

They sat down, faces now as red as strawberries, on top of the bed. They sighed a breath of relief and relaxed. Agatha closed her eyes and put her hand through her hair, before she realised about the others.

'Merlin!' She sat bolt upright and stared into the weathered face of her companion. 'Merlin, the others, what could have happened? Where could they be.' Merlin looked up at her, his eyes now too filled with worry. Stood up and placed his feet upon the floor, he began to page, his cloak trailing after him like a snake. He continued to pace as Agatha's question hung in the air, still unanswered. She looked at him, bewildered, she had never seen Merlin like this, so worried, anxious, tiered. 

He stopped suddenly, almost crashing into the bed as he did so 'I have an idea.' He announced. 'I remember a young Tedros, he told me something, but what. Mmmmmmm.' He paced for a few more steps before jumping for joy. Agatha looked on astonished. 'What?' She asked him whilst watching him run over to the books barricading the door. 'I need to use a spell.' He proclaimed. 'One that will take us back in time, to when I used to see young Tedros nearly everyday.' He said before mumbling under his breath 'Ah ha' he said triumphantly, brandishing and old book, on its cover was written 'Spells For Masters Of Time Travel',

'We shall go back to the day I taught Tedros, yes I know the day, and before Agatha could even protest he began to speak the words laid out on the page.

'I Speak these words, through thick and thin,

Through needle and cloth, through wool and pin,

I desire, through the fire, to be placed,

In this date.'

Then he brandished his wand and with a flick of his wrist the room was empty.

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