Chapter 2 - Outside

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Chapter 2

I opened the door and suddenly I was nervous. The trees were bent over. The ground sloshy puddles. Flowers, bushes, and grass were uprooted. I quickly swallowed my fears and stepped outside avoiding any puddles that I would surely sink down to my knees in.

After ten minutes  I was finally at the beach where our tree was. It was truly a sad sight. Our tree was bent so it looked like it would snap at any minute. As I peered closer I saw a bright pink rain coat. No doubt it was Haley. I ran as fast as I could until I reached her, breathing hard. I hugged her and we looked each other over, laughing at how muddy we were. Suddenly Haley stopped an she asked,

"Are you sure about this, Amanda?"

I laughed and said, "Of course! Look at how far we've gotten, Hale! Now we just have our fun." I used her childhood nickname that always lightens her up. It was a good idea to swallow my fears before this too. Otherwise, we might have chickened out! Haley smiled at me and turned on the iPod that's in her waterproof pocket. "Super Bass" by Niki Minaj came on and we busted out dancing and singing. Just letting loose and enjoying the beat of the rain against us.

After a few songs we were exhausted and collapsed under our tree. It was such a happy time in such a dark world. The water dripped into my raincoat and ran down my face, seeping into my clothes. But I didn't care and neither did she. This is something we will remember for our whole lives. Suddenly we heard a groan coming from our tree. I scrambled out from under it and dragged Haley with me. Just a second later it collapsed on the ground. I looked down at Haley and saw a tear stream down her face and I'm sure my face showed just as much sadness as hers. We cried together. Hand and hand. Two girls who lost the symbol of their friendship. For Haley and I, that tree represented us, our past, the present, our dreams, and the future. For both of us it has been the solid, never changing rock. While everyone and everything changes around us our tree has stayed the same. I felt a piece of me drift away then.  

What would happen after this? I didn't bother thinking about it more when a golden light was coming from the trunk of the tree. Twists of water rose from the trunk along with... A fairy? It moved towards Haley and I. We leaned back as it landed on the sand in front of us. It talked softly,

"It returns to claim two young girls to be the link to the ancient world. Run! Go away before it comes!"

Then it flew away.

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