Chapter 4 - Awakening

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Chapter 4

I opened my eyes groggily. The sun was so bright! Too bright for my stronger senses. What? They're stronger? I can see every dust particle in the air and hear each movement of the waves. It's so noisey! But how is that possible? I'm only human after all... NO. Last night! the fairy, the tails, the storm. It all came flooding back to me and man, did my head ache. I could not stand it any longer! I looked next to me and saw that Haley was looking at me. 

"You awake?" I asked.

"No Duh" she replied. I heard footsteps coming towards us, followed by a booming voice,

"Hey! You girls alright?" I turned around in time to see a gorgeous lifeguard coming our way.

"I think so." I answered.

"Let me help you girls up. What happened to you?"

"Umm we went out for a walk and the storm came and we couldn't get away so we just ended up passing out here, I guess." I babbled. 

"Okay well I'll help you. My names Carly by the way. What about you?'

"Well I'm Amanda and this is my best friend, Haley."

"Okay, nice to meet you! Of course it would have been so much better under more pleasent circumstances but that's ok. Want me to drive you home?'

"Yes, that would be great, thank you!"

"Okay sounds like a plan." 

Carly lead us to her car and we hopped in. Haley was dropped off first and then I directed her to my house. I said my thank you's and goodbye's and went inside. My whole family was gathered around the table. Obviously awaiting my arrival. As they all took in the fact I was actually here I was pestered about why I left, where I was, am I okay and so on. I guess this will be a long day then!

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