Chapter 5 - Long Day

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Chaptr 5- Long Day

Instead of answering questions I bolted up the stairs into my room and slammed the door. I'm so stressed out! I can't believe all this happened to me. My life will never, ever be the same again. 

I logged on Facebook and saw Haley was online. I sent her a chat;

Me: Hey you stressed out?

Haley: Ya family won't stop bothering me!

Me: Mine too. What are we gonna do about this??

Haley: We can't tell anyone.

Me: What about Carly?

Haley: We have to trust her first. Mandy, we just met her.

Me: OK but I still wanna tell her soon. 

Haley: Are your senses more.. sensitive?

Me: Ya.. What's happening to us?

Haley: Something about what that umm human said I think.

Me: Ya but what are we gonna do about it?

Haley: See what happens it's the best we could do.

Me: Ya see you later

Haley: Bye

I walked downstairs and saw that my family were all sitting around the dinning room table. Oh no. I sat down and waited to be yelled at or something. But there nothing. Nada. Silence. It was very awkward. 

"Do you want to explain to us what happened, Amanda?" my Dad asked.

"Well ummm.. Remember how I have a bucket list?" 

Everyone nodded their heads slowly, obviously wondering where this was leading.

"I had on my bucklet to dance outside in a hurricane so Haley and I took the opportunity to do that."

"Why did you not come home then?" Dad asked skepticaly.

"We danced and were really tried so we ended up collapsing on the ground and falling asleep." 

I got a few quizzical looks from my family members and it was clear that my Dad did not believe the whole story. But it was true! I didn't lie, I only left out a few parts that should not be told otherwise they would think Haley and I were crazy and who knows what would happen! I looked around the table, wondering what was gonna heppen next. Suddenly my Mom pushed her chair out and rushed over to my side, asking me if I was okay, if I felt well, if I needed anything. I told her I was perfectly fine and I didn't need anything except rest. She nodded her head and ushered me up the stairs, telling me to rest as much as I need. I gave her a small smile, said thank you, and went up into my room.

I collapsed on my bed and fell into a deep sleep. But it was anywhere near from peaceful.

The waves rushed over my head again and I choked on water, letting out a strangled scream. I have to get help! I have to get through this! My tail kicked frantically and my arms waved in the moonlight. How to win this.. I can't! The serpents powers are too strong! But I don't want their powers. I want to be a normal girl with a normal life and a normal family. I want to die an old lady in her sleep. Not like this. What did I do to derserve this? If it was putting whipped cream in my brother's hair while he was sleeping last year, I swear this is way worse than that! I let out another scream but as usual, no help came. All I could do was keep myself above the water and keep breathing.

"Let go. Follow your heart." the serpent whispered through my brain.

"NEVER!" I screamed aloud.

"You must. You will live forever."

"I DON'T WANT TO! I WANT TO BE MYSELF!" And I kicked again.

"Your serpent wants out. Let it out."

'NO! I AM NOT PART SERPENT I AM ALL HUMAN!" With one more big kick I shot out of the water amd into the sky. I was flying! I looked down and realized it was a fairy.

"What are you doing?" I asked, a bit worried that this fairy couldn't handel me.

"Taking you to my world where you will be safe from that serpent and this world will live in peace."

"NO I HAVE A LIFE PUT ME DOWN!" I burst and yelled at the fairy, adding a few kicks for effect. It sighed and said,

"As you wish. But I cannot help you after this. This is your one chance. Are you sure?"

"YESI AM SURE!" then the fairy dropped me without even a second thought. I was falling, falling, falling, falling. As I hit the water it opened to allos me deep into it. I looked around me and saw the serpents blonde hair. I reached out and grabbed it, yanking her closer to me. I punched her accross the face and saw some of her sharp teeth fly out. Where did this strength and adreneline come from? I didn't give it a second thought though because I needed to get out of here, and fast.

I swam up towards the surface and dragged the serpent up onto the shore. As I looked down I realized the face was oddly familiar. The brown hair... Blue eyes.. Skinny body.. I couldn't believe that it was really... 

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