Chapter 12 - Suspicions

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Chapter 12- Suspicions

It turns out I had nightmares the whole night. About my future, the storm, Alexa, Haley, everything. I woke up at least 4 times through the night in a cold sweat, terrified of what I just dreamt of. But one dream stuck the most, the one where Haley wan't herself. Like Alexa wasn't Alexa when I saw her. I was worried Haley might end up like that, or something like it. What if she left something out? If so, she has to tell me sometime, right? I sighed and fell asleep again, finally getting some rest.

I woke up around lunchtime to the banging of dishes and lots of talking. Today was Monday, right? Three weeks until school starts. Ugh. School again. At least it will take my mind off of everything that's been happening.

I walked downstairs and grabbed a bowl and ate some cereal and drank a bit of orange juice. Then, I went back to my room to start getting ready. I took a shower and fixed my hair to look nicer and less frantic. I pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans and an off-shoulder pink top. 

I went on Facebook and left Haley a message saying that she could come over anytime if she wanted to. After that I went downstairs and watched the Transformers movies with Zack. Everyone in our family loves them! 

It was an easy, laid-back day and I loved it. No more stress for now. All day, Haley didn't show up. I wonder where she has been? I sent her a message again, asking what she did today. Then I retired to my bed, ready to go to sleep already. It was only 5:00 but these days have taken a lot out of me.

I ended up falling asleep reading. This time, I slept peacefully without a dream. What does tomorrow hold for me?

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