Chapter 13 - Flash Forward

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(A/N: I'm so glad people are enjoying this story!)

 Chapter 13

* Flash Forward *

I woke up. At least, I think I did. The walls were a boring grey, betraying nothing of where I was. I tried to speak, or scream, but there was a gag in my mouth that was stopping me. I went to pull it out, but then I realized that my hands and ankles were tied, and I was strapped onto a bed or mattress of some sort. I was really freaking out now. I tried thrashing out, but that didn't do a thing. I tried to move and get out slowly and more peacefully but that didn't work. I finally realized someone else would need to cut me out. I couldn't make loud noises, or breather very well, so I was left only one option - to sit and wait. 

I don't know how long I was laying there for, but soon I started to drift asleep. Just as it was about to claim me a door I hadn't noticed banged open and a man walked in. 

"There's our little precious!" he exlaimed, walking swiftly over to my bed. He took the gag out of my mouth. I immediatly spoke,

"Where am I?" it came out raspy, like I had smoking, and was followed by a series of coughs that didn't prove that wrong. 

The man slapped me across the face when I had quieted down.

"I do the talking. You shut up and don't make a noise unless I ask you a question." he growled and his eyes reflected a fire. I quicly shut up and pushed down any thoughts of doing it again. I'll have to wait. 

After a minute he seemed satisfied with my fear and he took off the straps and picked me up bridal style. He walked out of the room and down a few hallways before we came into a living room. It was nice and cozy. I was set down on the couch which was extremely comfy.

"OK, now you listen up! I am Aiden. You took Haley from me, now this is revenge. You will go home, get Haley, and bring her here. Then, I will take you two to Anastashia who will bring you where you belong and we will do the rest. If you step out of line, I will personally injure you, then Anastashia will do the rest. The world is on the line here, so better listen up. If you don't do this then the world will end. Now, I'm going to untie you and you can sleep in our guest room for the night. Tomorrow I will give you the lie you will tell everyone and the plan will fall into place."

I nodded my head and Aiden untied me and lead me into a calming blue room. I fell onto the bed and immediatly drifted off into a deep sleep.

(A/N: I thought this was a good idea. A flash forward to give everyone a clue on what is to come! As you can see, it is no where near done! What exactly is the prophecy? Why did they turn into mermaids only once? What are their powers? Who is Aiden? Who is Anastashia? Where does Alexa fit into this? There are so many questions, and they will be answered soon!)

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