Chapter 18 - Truth

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Chapter 18 - Truth

I decided to have a sleep over with Haley. We didn't do much, only talked about movies and food and family and school. It starts next week! Hopefully we get to be in all the same classes! We'll be going into 8th grade. Top of the school! Haha. We're each joining the new swim team our middle school got, and each of us are also going to be in the newspaper club. It was so nice for all the drama to be over. We could now simply relax and be worried about school and normal stuff. Live without mythical creatures following us around!

Haley and I ended up falling asleep around 11:00 PM. I didn't have any dream. It was peaceful and dreamless. Exactly what I need now.

I woke up to the shower running. Haley was already up! It's only 7:00 am. Early riser. I knocked on the door,

"You up Haley?"

"Ya! Our parents want to talk to us when we are done getting ready!"

"OK!" I went into the guest room and took a nice shower and put on the clothes I had on yesterday. I brushed my hair and then went into Haley's room. I grabbed the extra toothbrush I leave there and quickly brushed my teeth.

"Amanda we're in the dining room!" Haley yelled up.

"OK!" I called back and made my way downstairs. When I was down there I saw that both of our families were gathered around the table.

"Site down please, sweetie." my mom said. I sat down next to Haley.

"We need to know what has happened in the past few days. The truth. Every little bit. We would all really appreciate it if." Haley's mom spoke calmly.

So, we did. From the storm, to the research, to the plan, to Aiden and Anastashia. There were gasps and shocked expressions and nods. No one interrupted, and there were no questions asked afterwards. I guess we did a pretty good job. Until Zack started talking, that is.

"So you're telling me, the girl I.. loved.. is a serpent. Who tried to use you girls to overpower the world? And that now she's gone and we don't have to worry about everything?" We both nodded. What he did next surprised us. 

He got up and gave the two of us a big hug saying,

"Well, I'm glad I have my two girls!" 

We all laughed and the day was spent together, laughing and having fun. What they say is true, honesty IS the best policy!

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