Chapter 11 - Story

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Chapter 11- Story

As Haley sat down on my bed after changing I eyed her. Taking in he stiff posture, tight face, and dull complextion. Something bad happened. Time to get serious.

"Haley, I need to know what happened. Now."

"I know. It was terrible, Mandy. Where do you want me to start from?"

"Where were you when I asked you to come over?"

"On my porch waiting for.. Aiden to come and pick me up."

"Who is Aiden, Haley?"

"A friend. I met him when you went on vacation earlier this summer. I was on the beach and he came and talked to me. He was recently depressed and still angry after his sister's death."

"Did he take you there?"

"He came and picked me up and drove me to the house. I had told him about it before and he said he wanted to tell me something. He told me that... Alexa wanted to see me. That she was going to do some things to me. I was scared and tried to get out but he wouldn't let me. When he got there Zack's girlfriend, Alexa, was standing inside the window where we could see her. She was different though. Her hair was darker and she had sharp teeth and claws. Her eyes were silver and she had a long tongue, like a snake's. She cut my stomache, a long line that goes from my left hip to the bottom of my right rib. I was told it was a reminder for what I was destined to do. Then they brought me into the basement and tied me up and threw me in the tub. Aiden was the last thing I saw. He told me he was sorry but this was how he was forced to live. Then he knocked me out. You came a day after, and I had just awoken when I heard you walking through the house. I was so scared they were back for more but it turned out it was you."

"Oh, Haley. Did they do anything else?"

"Alexa kicked me a few times. That's really it. She said something about giving you a clue. Did you get it?"

"Ya, it was in the woods. Carly and I were searching for you. Speaking of Carly, she was looking for you this morning also. She halped me a lot in searching for you." 

"That's nice. Should I tell your family now?"

"Yes, I think we should. We can have your parents come over first though OK?"

"OK, Amanda."

Haley's story was so sad. She's no happy go lucky girl anymore. I just have to make sure Alexa isn't in the room or in the house. 

We walked downstairs and every member of the family looked at us. Suddenly they all rushed to our sides and were fussing over us and making sure everyhing was OK. Once I got them settled down and on the couches I surveyed every face.

"Is Alexa here?" I asked.

"Yes!" a voice called from upstairs. She came running down with a smile on her face.

"Haley you're back safely! I was so worried! Are OK?" she reached over to hug Haley but she jumped back and looked at her with fear.

I spoke up, "Alexa, can you please leave for now? We need to have a family meeting, only." She glared at me before speaking again in a chiper voice,

"Of course! Call me when I'm allowed back in!" I waited until the sound of her car was gone before turning to talk to everyone.

"OK, Haley is safe. She was taken by a friend named Aiden that Haley met while we were on vacation. He brought her to our dream house where Alexa was and she cut her and beat her before tying her up and throwing her in the basement bathtub. I found her just today. Haley said there was something off about Alexa. There was somehing very not like herself. She was mean, and vicious, and had sharp nails and teeth with silver eyes. I am not sure what to make of this, but Haley is sure those are the people she saw."

There were a few intakes of breaths and Zack looked hurt.

"Are you sure?" he whispered.

"Yes, I'm afraid so." Haley answered sadly.

"But how? Why?"

"That is not something I completely know, but what I do know I can't tell you. Sorry, Zack."

"OK, Haley. I hope you are feeling OK."

"I am, thank you, even though I am blaming your girlfriend, you're still nice to me. That means a lot."

Zack nodded his head sadly and got up and went into his room. Haley got driven home and I went to my room and went to sleep. It had been a long and stressful day. Now maybe I can get some rest.

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