Chapter 9 - Back Home

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Chapter 9- Back Home

I woke up to a sweet voice talking in my ear,

"Mandy, we have to get out of here now!" 

I looked over and saw Haley but she had amber eyes instead of her normal sea blue ones. She was also pale and had a greenish tint to her skin. What was going on with her? 

"Haley, why do you look different? Where are we? What's going on?"

"I'll explain later. But we really, really need to get out of here. You have no idea what I've been through. Amanda, please!"

"Okay fine lead the way." I really had no choice but to trust her. After all she is Haley, my best friend. I was lead through a series of tunnels until finally we saw a light. As we came out I saw something I never though I'd ever see again-

My home. We came out from a sewer by my home. I turned to Haley only to see that she was gone again. I need to figure out what's wrong with her.

I walked back inside and went up to my room to look at the note again. "inside a childhood dream"... what could that mean? I laid back on my bed and though of all the dreams we had had. 

We never thought of traveling the world.

Or leaving town.

We dreamed of living together on the beach in the house that's been for sale forever. That house... was it still for sale? When we were kids it was all we talked about. I guess it's worth a try. 

I ran downstairs and out the door, yelling a quick farewell to my family. I walked down to the beach and to the old house. It was a bit run down and dusty but it still held the beach like charm that I love about it so much. I took a deep breath and opened the door. Inside it looked the same as it did all those years ago. 

I looked around on the bottom floor and she wasn't there. I continued upstairs and even the attic but still no sign of her. Now I only had one floor left- the basement. I took a deep breath and opened the basement door. 

What if she wasn't there, again?

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