Chapter 16 - News

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Chapter 16- News

I rushed into Haley's house. Her father looked up startled.

"What's wrong, Amanda?"

"I need to speak to Haley"

"OK, why is it so urgent?"

"Oh, I've just missed her that's all." I gave him a sweet smile. He smiled kindly back.

"Of course, she's up in her room."

"Thank you!" I yelled as I ran upstairs. 

As I opened the door to Haley's room I found her sitting on her bed crying. I rushed to her side, pulling her to me.

"What's wrong, Haley?" I whispered.

"Aiden, he came to my room. He said I would become a serpent and follow the prohecy no matter what. He said Anastashia would kill me if I didn't... and maybe even you too!" she let out a low wail and collapsed into me.

"Shhhh, I found out more about the prophecy. We have to stay away from temptations and never give in. That's it. Then the curse will be broken and the serpent will be banished once again. It's OK, Haley. We can do this." She looked up at me and nodded.

"I met Aiden also today, by the way. He came and introduced himself, but I didn't tell him anything. He's spying on us, Haley."

"I know. I'm not dumb. But we have to mislead him, and break the curse. Tomorrow. As soon as possible."

"OK, let's go research some more then!' I made my way to the computer but she stopped me,

"I already know how" I turned around,


"We visit the serpent, and turn her into a mermaid, then throw her out to sea. That's all it takes. The problem is finding her, and figuring out how to turn her into a mermaid." I thought about it for a minute, before suddenly something popped into my mind.

"Haley, she turned us into mermaids when the curse was made. We were also turned into mermaids when she was angry and wanted power. Through the dreams and vision we have had, I can conclude that we need to make her angry and hungry for more power, therefor turning her into a mermaid. Then we simply lead her into the water, and the current should carry her out again. What we need to do is get Aiden there, so he can get her."

"That's brilliant, Mandy! I'll call Aiden and ask him if he wants to meet us up at the beach where we all met tomorrow at 6:00 am, and tell him he should bring a friend also!"

"OK, let's see if this works, Haley."

With our plan into action I headed home, satisfied that soon this would be over.

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