Chapter 19 - Sweet Dreams

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Chapter 19- Sweet Dreams

I hopped out of the shower and pulled on a baby blue flowy top and a pair of dark jean shorts. I brushed my hair and put some of it up, some down, and surled it lightly. I added some ligth blue eye shadow and a small amount of mascara before brushing my teeth. They were so nice and white! All this brushing my teeth and going through braces really paid off. Now I had perfect white teeth, gorgeous blue eyes, and flouncy brown hair.  I pulled on my sandals and made my way downstairs. We were going to a lunch with Haley's family before school starts tomorrow. We're all really excited. 

We pulled up on the beach. The sun was high in the sky and it was breezy. Perfect weather to have a family lunch. We walked over to the cabana and each of us took a seat and set down the food we brought. When everyone had arrived we started eating. It was amazing! The spagetti was.. delectable. The bread soft and perfect. The soda was just normal soda. This moment, I'll remember forver. 

Especially when Daniel joined us. I had met him through Amy. He's a new kid in town, very sweet, with floppy blonde hair and crystal grey eyes. He has manners and is very considerate, besides being hilarious. He sat down next me and we talked. Haley even joined in. A dream come true. My best friend, and boyfriend, on each side of me, and the world in perfect harmony. Or as perfect as life can get. 

The day was passed away playing in the sand, splashing around in the water, and being the carefree girls we used to be once again. 

As I went to bed that night, I saw a fairie. She followed me into my room and stood on my shoulder. She kissed my temple softly and said,

"Thank you for saving our world, and your own. You have been given the gift of beauty and kindness, to help you through your life to come. I will be watching you, Amanda. If you need help I will be there. Goodbye for now, and sweet dreams!"

I whispered,

"Goodbye, Marion" before she flew away into the night and I fell into a deep sleep. Full of elves and fairies and Daniel. Sweet, sweet dreams.

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