Chapter 17 - Action

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Chapter 17- Action

I woke up at 5:30 am, with 30 minutes to get to the beach. I quickly threw on a pair of light jean shorts and a dark green cami before brushing my hair and brushing my teeth. I looked presentable. Haley will most likely be looking like she had been up for hours. I slipped on my black flip flops and walked outside. It looked like it was going to rain again. 

I walked swiftly to the log, hoping we'll miss the rain. I do not want to come home soaking again. When the log was in view I saw Haley already there. She was wearing a purple cami with dark jean shorts and white flip flops. She had a bit of mascara on and her nails were all done up. She eveen had a headband in her hair. I sat down next to her and we watched the blurry sunrise until Aiden and his friend came.

When they arrived you knew it. The wind picked up dramatically, and the water became choppy. As they sat down next to us we made normal small talk. He finally introduced us to his friend, Anastashia, who is actually Alexa. So, she has a fake name and an evil identity. Perfect combination!

We all got along pretty well, but you could easily see how fake each of them were. It was like the researched us and knew everyhting we liked so they could easily become friends. There's a chance they even did.

It's time to break the ice. Haley and I quickly got up and pushed Anastashia into the waves. She screamed and became angry, turning her into a mermaid. She was screaming for Aiden to come get her, but Haley had knocked him out with a heavy tree branch. She was gone. Done for. Unless Anastashia suddenly became all powerful enough to stop it, then our job here was done.

We watched silently as the rain picked up and the waves choppier, effectively carrying her away. Once she was out of site the waves calmed down and it became sunny. Aiden woke up groggily and quickly ran into the water. Screaming about how he needs to go to the other world and be protected again. Haley and I laughed, high five, and hugged. We did it! We saved each of us from the curse and now the serpent was gone for who knows how long!

We returned to Haley's house and got cleaned up, before having a dance party and movie day. We celebrated our simple lives and loving family. 


(A/N: As you can see, Dancing in the Rain is coming to an end. Really not very long, but it was nice to write nonetheless. Tell me what you think of it so far. I want to go to 20 chapters, so more will be happening. BTW, sorry it's so short also. I'm not very good at action scenes, so I didn't go into detail. Thoughts? Questions? Comments? VOTE IF YOU LIKE IT PLEASE!)

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