Chapter 7 - Searching

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Chapter 7- Searching

When we pulled up to Haley's house we hopped out and knocked on the door. Her dad, Mr. Jason answered. He looked dishevled and stressed.

"What can I do for you girls?" he said. I could tell he was trying to be polite, friendly, and happy but it was not working. Something was wrong.

"Haley was supposed to be at my house two hours ago but she hasn't shown up. Do you know where she is?" Mr. Jason sighed,

"You girls can come in." He paused and looked at Carly,

"What's your name?"

"Carly, I brought Haley and Amanda home after the incident."

"Okay, you can come in. I have some news for you." He opened the door wider and we filed into the living room. Mrs. Marie, Haley's mom sat on the couch in hysterics. I rushed to her side.

"What's wrong, Mrs. Marie?"

"Jason w-will t-tell y-you." she stuttered before leaning into my embrace.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"Our dear Haley is missing. Maybe kidnapped.." he slumped onto the couch and put his head in his hands. Carly stood still, horror-struck. I, however, jumped up and ran out the door, pulling Carly with me. A plan to find her already forming in my mind. I pushed Carly in the drivers side and got in the passengers side. As Carly was fumbling with her keys Mr. Jason came out and tapped on the window. I put it down and he spoke,

"What are you doing?"

"Finding Haley."

"Where are you going?"

"The beach... The park... The mall... The streets."

"I'll call the police. Do you know anyone that would have done this?"

I shook my head sadly.

"Does she have her phone?" I asked.

"Well I haven't seen her without it."

"Okay I'll try to reach her again. I'll text her too.."

"You girls be safe. Call us if you need anything. I'll tell your family for you, Mandy."

I smiled weekly and nodded. Carly pulled out and we headed towards the beach. Was it the right thing not to tell him about the beach? It had to be. The whole "other world" thing is bothering me though. What if she's there? Where ever it is... NO she can't be there. I have to believe that we will find her. I can't lose hope. 

We pulled up where the beach is and I got out, not waiting for Carly to catch up. I ran, walked, and jogged up and down the beach. Searching in ever crack and rock, asking every person if they had seen her. Nada. Nothing. Haley was no where on the beach.

I returned to the car and slumped onto the seat. This was beginning to show signs of being a lot harder than I thought.

When Carly got in she turned to me,

"You okay?"

"I have to be. For Haley, for her family.." I mumbled.

"No, Amanda. Are you okay? You, yourself, not what you need to be, what you are."

"I may loose my only friend. What do you think?"

"I'm your friend. It may not seem like it, but I'm still here for you, Amanda."

"Thanks, Carly. That's good to know. What time is it?"

"Ummm it's 10:00. What do you want to do next?"

"Let's just drive all around town and look on the streets for her. Then, we can stop at the park."


She pulled out and we drove around town once, and we did not see her. 

"Why the park?" Carly suddenly asked.

"We used to always go there as kids. The park and the beach. You never know."

She nodded her head and pulled into the parking lot. I got out and did the same ritual as before. Even asking the annoyed adults if they had seen her. Still nothing. I got back in the car officially defeated. Where is she?! Carly hopped in a few minutes later and handed me a piece of paper.

"Where did you get this?" I asked.

"The woods."

"The ones next to the playground? You walked through the whole thing and looked for her?"

"Ya, and I found this."

"Thank you... What is it?"

"A letter to you.. read it. It's pretty confusing."

I opened it and read:

Amanda the Chosen One,

This is a test to see how you will.. adapt to the new world you could say. Find your friend, and I will free you, both of you, from the curse. You have until the next full moon. Haley is in a childhood dream both of you shared. That is clue number one. I will give you three clues because that is the rules. But I warn you, this world is not fair. No world is, not even the ancient world. Continue the search, oh Chosen One. Don't worry, Haley is being kept safe from anyone and anything- But you. You find her you get it. Got it? Okay. Now go! The next full moon is approaching fast, and that will be YOUR final test!

Yours Truly,


A? Who is A? Oh well. Time to go home and think. I turned to Carly,

"Can you drive me home? I need to think."

"Sure thing. Do you want me to come in with you?"

"No, you can go rest. Thanks though.'

"Okay, call me if you need anything."

"Sure thing."

After Carly dropped me off at home I walked upstairs and collapsed on my bed, ignoring everyone that tried to talk to me about Haley. What was happening to my life?

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