Chapter 6 - Missing

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Chapter 6- Missing

I woke up with a start, muffling my scream with my hand. What happened? This hurricane only makes things more complicated! That dream really horrified me. I got up and paced around the room, trying to calm my nerves. What if that was true? What if at the next full moon that will happen? For real this time? I'm so scared. Who can I talk to? Of course only one person- Haley. I looked at the clock and saw it was only 7:00 am. At least I slept some but I really don't feel rested now. But I can't go back sleep it's no use, that was too scary. Should I call Haley? Yes, this is more important than sleep. I called her and waited for her to pick up.

"Hello?" she asked groggily.

"Hey, Haley"

"Why are you calling me?"

"I have to talk to you about something."

"I'm listening."

"Not here. Be at my house by 8:00. OK?"

"Ummmm sure. I'll try to get over there as soon as possible. Is it really that important?"

"Yes it really is Haley."

"OK fine see you."

"See you."

She hung up. What was wrong with her? Haley hesitated to come over.. She never does. Never, ever, no matter how early it is. Something's up. I decided there's no point in being bothered about it. She'll tell me when she gets here. I hopped into the shower and took a nice comforting wash. The warm water definetly made me feel better. I hopped out and put on a pair of white shorts and light green tank top. Since I still had like 20 minutes until she arrives I went downstairs ot have some breakfast. As I was pouring milk in my frosted flakes the doorbell rang. Was she here already?

I opened up the door to see Alexa, Zack's girlfriend. 

"Hey, Alexa"

"Hi, Amanda!" 

"You here to see Zack? He's still sleeping, but you can go up to his room.'

"Ummm no actually I wanted to see how you were doing. I heard abut your incident."

"Oh well I'm fine. No worries."

"Okay well I'll just be going upstairs then." Alexa walked upstairs, eyeing me weirdly before continuing upstairs. What was up with her? I sighed and continued to eat my cereal. When will Haley be here?

At 8:00 the doorbell rang. Finally! I opened up the door to reveal... Carly. Where was Haley?

"Hey Carly. What are you doing here?"

"Well, I was wondering if you had seen Haley lately."

"Not since the storm. Why?"

"Oh never mind. I was just looking for her." Carly glanced around her.

"Well do you want to wait here for her? She is supposed to be here any minute."

"Sure I would really like that." I let Carly in and she sat down at the table while I drank my orange juice.

"Do you want anything, Carly?" I asked.

"No, thanks."

"Okay. You wanna go hang out in my room until Haley gets here?"

"Ya I'd like that!"

We walked upstairs and sat down on my bed. We talked about our summers and family and what schools we go to. After an hour and a half of hanging out I got really worried about Haley. Where is she? Carly must have sensed my nervousness because she asked me if something was wrong.

"Haley still isn't here, Carly. She always comes to my house no matter what, whenever I need her. She was really quiet and distant this morning when we talked and I don't know what's wrong or anything."

"Do you want to call her and if she doesn't pick up we can go to her house?"

"Yes, please!"

I picked up my iPhone and called Haley. It went straight to voicemail. What if something happened to her? I looked over at Carly. She was grabbing her purse and keys and walking downstairs. I grabbed my purse and joined her in the car. Once I was in we were driving to Haley's house. What happens if she isn't there?

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