Chapter 14 - Research

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Chapter 14- Research

My eyes shot open. Oh no oh no oh no. I need to figure this stuff out! I was breathing hard and sweat was pouring down my back. I looked at the clock. 5:00 AM! Oh well, I need to relax. I hopped out of bed and ran into the shower. Who care who I wake up? I need to figure this bogus out! 

I took a shower in record time and threw on a pair of dark jean shorts and a music note heart shirt in red. I combed my dark hair through and went to my computer. 

I searched up anything from mermaids, to a prophecy of a different world. I didn't come up with much, but I came up with enough to help us. The articles said this-

"During the medieval time it was said that humans worked along elves, and fairies helped rule with the kings. Goblins were strong warriors and fought alongside knights. The relationship between humans and mythical creatures was perfect for centuries, until an unknown danger arose. A serpent, part mermaid, part shark, part human, threatened the alliance between them. It was wanted power, to rule over each species. To do so, it created a barrier, with the fairies, elves, and goblins on one side and humans on the other. Each species without the other was weak and scared so the serpent easily controlled them. It flourished under the power, becoming the most feared creature. It caused cotastophies in every way and punished them for not doing as they were told. The world was dark and gloomy. One day, a strong wizard cast a spell on the serpent, throwing it from it's power and damaging it deeply. Although it was no longer able to control both realms they still lived in fear for its return. No one could ever break the barrier put between the humans and mythical creatures so each learned to live alone. The serpent has yet to be seen since those years, but a wizard prophesized that one day it would return and choose two lonely, once carefree girls in a storm, to take over the serpent's power and reclaim the power they deserved. Now, it is thought of as a legend, just a part of our past that no one is sure if it is true or not. Studies say though, that it is true, and we are in danger of this serpent, today."

Wow, this is excactly what I needed. I copied and pasted it into an email to Haley and sent it. I looked at the clock, 6:00 am. I listened to the house, no noise. That means everyone is asleep. I crept out of my rooms and downstairs, out the door. So lost in thought that I didn't even realize I was being followed, or where I had lead them to.


(A/N: What do you think? Now, I like this chapter. I enjoyed making up all that nutcase stuff!! LOL, well vote and comment! Really vote, I want to know if people really like this story!)

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