'Wee' note

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Hey there my friends, this is not a official chapter. READ THIS IF YOU ENJOY MY WRITING AND WANT TO CONTINUE TO READ THIS BOOK PROPERLY!!!!!
Well, hello! So readers, are you happy with this story? I do hope so but if you don't comment why! So that I can improve this story. Anyway so at the minute the story line is this:
»You are in the Maze and you know your name is (insert your name here)
» You have punched Gally (he had it coming)
» You almost died because one dude got stung by a griever and he tried to kill you (it was a idiot called Wallace who tried to kill you)
» You are kinda in a relationship with Newt ( don't worry, more romance with Newt is coming soon!)
» You were sent a letter by some weirdo who knows who's gonna die

Thanks for reading, now it's time for some back story for you!

"Get down here!" Your mother calls. You run down the stairs and jump into your father's arms. "You're getting bigger!" He says laughing.

"Hurry, we are going to be late!" Your mother says, practically pushing you out the front door. The two of you get into the car. "Father, hurry up!" You say happily. Your father comes out with your sister.

"We're coming!" They chime. After a few minutes everyone is buckled in and the car begins to drive. You and your sister giggle at jokes made by your father and your mother keeps telling him to concentrate on the road.

"Children when we get there, give your uncle Janson his birthday presents and then you can play with your cousins," your mother says making your sister's eyes light up.

She begins to whisper how you and her could trick your cousins. After a long period of giggling and mischievous planning, your father suddenly stops the car.

"Honey, why did you stop the car?" your mother asks.
That's when you notice the large wave coming in your family's direction. "OUT OF THE CAR!" Your father roars.

You all clamber out and your mother picks you up, your father doing the same for your sister. "I love all of you!" Your mother cries.

"We shall always love you, stay safe!" Your father says , now realizing that he will most likely die, he only hoped that you and your sister would survive.

They're running towards a large grey building, hoping they are people inside who will help you.

"Find your uncle Janson, he will take care of you!" Shouts your father over the sound of the crashing waves.

You are getting closer to the building, tears blurring your already limited vision.

"Stay safe, please stay safe!" Your mother cries letting go of you, making another layer of tears flow down your young face.

The wave is so close, you can feel the spray of water on your head.

That's when your mother collapses and your father falls. Time seems to stop. Someone comes out and lifts you and your sister into their arms. Waves cover your parents as the stranger brings you into the building. You scream out for your mother and father, screaming at them to get up but to no prevail. You watch as one giant wave crashes over them, ending your childhood and destroying your childish nature.

"Young girls, parents most likely killed by that last wave, we have to keep them warm!" says your rescuer, who is a young woman.

You are taken to another room and get dried off alongside your sister. People swallow around you, all with their own questions but all you heard was the waves, the waves which killed your parents. The waves pounded in your ears and left you sobbing, crying for the loss of your childhood, crying for the loss of blissful normal life but most of all, crying for the loss of your parents, the people who gave you such a beautiful childhood.

Your sister puts her head on your shoulder and you let her cry, you dry her tears and kiss her forehead. You barely notice the woman walk into the room.

"Girls, are you feeling better?" says the woman from earlier.

You both shake your heads at the woman. "It will get better, I know from experience." she says kneeling down so she is at eye level.

"We need to find our uncle Janson," you say earning a grateful look from your sister. You were always the chatty one, she was the quiet one.

"I will help you, I promise, my name is Ava Paige but you can call me Ava or Auntie Ava, enough about me, what are your names?"

That's how you met Auntie Ava

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