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Reader's view
This last month has been amazing! Teaching seems to be the job for you! George, Abe, Theo, John, Barack and Franklin are your students. You teach them English, Maths, Music and Drama.

Newt teaches them the sciences and Frypan teaches them Home Economics. Since they've been good, you thought it would be a good idea for a trip to the 'great outdoors'.

"John, stop messing around!" You call out to John, as he climbs down a tree. Today was the day that the box is supposed to come up, yet you haven't heard that screeching of the box. You go to investigate, leaving your class to roam.

"Alby, has the box come up yet?" You say to Alby as you approach him.

"No, hopefully it comes up soon," He replies. Then the ground did its usual shake. "Here it comes!" Alby shouts.

Then it stopped and Gally went forward to jump into the box, you also stepped forward because you were interested. Something felt special about today.

As you peer down you see ....a girl! A girl that looks like a younger version of yourself. She had blue-grey eyes and short dark brown hair.

She wore clothes like you are wearing with the exception of a brown hair band, instead of your black hair tie.
When you see her face, memories flood in like a tsunami.

"Genesis!" you shout, tears of joy spilling down your cheeks. Genesis lifts her head up and you see she is crying too. "(Y/ N)!"She yells voice shaking. Gally jumps into the box while walking towards your sister, while your sister's response is to knee him in the groin, then push him to the side and finally use one of the crates as a stepping stoll to get out. You run over to her and embrace her in a hug. "You remember me?"she says before you hug her tighter and say "When I saw you I remembered!"

Her face suddenly turned grim and she started to run towards Newt.

That's when you notice the arrow flying towards Newt.

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