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Newt's view
"Hey Alby, why aren't you with the new greenie?" I hollered.

"Your girlfriend wanted to take that shucking idiot around this dump." He replied nonchalantly.

Why would (Y/ N) want to take the greenie on a tour?

"Yo Newt! The new greenie has a giant crush on ya girl!" I hear Bobby shout, a wave of laughter following from a few others.

I feel anger swelling through me, how disrespectful are these guys?

"Who doesn't have crush on 'er?" I hear someone else yell.

Calm down Newt.

"Who wouldn't? She is smoking hot! I mean, her sister's nice but she's a no because she's with Minho." Another declared.

Hold yourself together Newt.

"If I could hit that thing, I would. Both of those sisters, especially (Y/N)," grinned another fool.

I can't hold it in any more.....

" Ya know that day when her and Newt went up to her bedroom, I would've given anything to be Newt! Yet he chickened out and they didn't do it! She deserves better!" Ranted an shucking idiot.

I can't let it in anymore!

"Slim it! Unless you all want to be bloody punched in your buggin', klunk faces! That's my bloody girlfriend! I usually don't give a dong what you idiots think but today is one of those buggin' days! You shanks seem to jacked up in the head today! Get the hell away from my girl!" I yelled full of rage.

All those sticks that were talking rudely about (Y/N) suddenly stopped, they looked ashamed and undignified.

They looked sorry.

I stormed off almost crying, wondering if they were right.
I went through all that they had said and it sickened me. My lady, my queen, they were talking about her like she was a vintage chess piece or a beautiful ornament left in a dusty box in a mouldy attic. They talked about her like she was a prize to be won by a worthy suitor instead of a worthless no-one with a probably serious mental health illness.

I am not worthy, not in the slightest.

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