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Your View

That night

"Night class? You want to go to night class?" You ask, surprised at the fact Thomas, a runner, wanted to learn.

"Oh yeah, sometimes the other gladers, like Newt, make me feel dum. Please (Y/ N), please?" He replied, his puppy dog eyes burning into yours.

"Oh fine!" You say hesitantly.

Two weeks later

"No (Y/ N)! I ban you from teaching him!" Newt exclaims angrily.

Since Thomas asked you two weeks ago, you have been teaching him for two hours every other night and Newt, well, he wasn't taking this well.

"I can teach whoever I want to, Newt!" You bellow back at him.

He really was not taking this well.

"As your boyfriend I forbid you!"

" You forbid me! I can do whatever I want! You are not in control of me!"

"Fine! I am asking you nicely, stop teaching that good for nothing runner!"

"Is this because he is a runner? My sister's boyfriend is a runner!"

"No, this is because he has been trying to take you away from me since he laid eyes on you!"

" Oh shut up Newt!"

"I'm trying to help!"

"Well, I don't need any help!"

"Then I guess we aren't together anymore!" He roared.

You never knew seven words could hurt so much.

You wanted to scream and shout at him.
You wanted to cry and run to him.
You wanted to hug him and work things out.
Yet instead of those good ideas, you chose a stupid one.

"Yeah, I guess we aren't," You whisper but he still hears you.

Newt's view

Your words are louder than any shouting or screaming, you could have ever done. Your words stabbed his heart and knocked the air out of his lungs. Your words numbed his brain and ruined his nerves.

That is when he realized, he had lost you.

He had really shucked up.

As he watched you walk away, emotions flew through him. He threw a chair, he cried, he curled his fists and yet, he wasn't truly angry, he was scared and devastated at the fact he had lost you.

Why did he say those awful things that he didn't mean?
Because of them, because of him, he had lost you.

And that scared him more than any griever.

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