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Lots of fluff, absolutely no smut!

Your view
Newt and haven't had any alone time since Gen came.
You miss him, he's always busy,you're always busy. He has to convince that your sister is not 'out to get us' to Alby and you have to teach your students. Also,you don't sleep in the same building so you can't sneak out. Alby said that Newt had to stay near the majority of the boys in case of an emergency, stupid Alby.

Newt's view
She doesn't know what I'm planning, she has no clue. Her sister helped me with the big surprise. I hope she loves it as much as I love her because well, I am hopelessly in love with her. I think I might have always been and I just didn't tell myself. She's........perfect. I can't go one more day without telling her how much she means to me.

She has scars, mental and physical but who doesn't?
She thinks I am too busy to talk about all those things that I know she worries about. I want to show her I care.

I need to show her I care.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Time skip>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I begged Alby for an off day until he finally gave in, I know he doesn't like (Y/ N) but why, is he jealous?
I run up to the front door of 'Falling Apple High', (Y/ N) called it that after Gen started talking about Isaac Newton and the whole apple thing, apparently I'm named after him. At this point I don't even question Gen, I just roll with it. I knock the door and wait.

"Newt what are you doing here?" (Y/N) asks with her hands on her hips.

"This," I say before I kiss her. I wrap my arms around her waist and she puts her arms around my neck. I push us inside and slam the door closed. I finish the kiss and look her in the eyes and say something I need to tell her.

"I'm so sorry."

She looks at me like I have grown a third eye.

"Newt, it's okay, we've both been so busy."

"It's not okay and luckily for us, today there's no students to interrupt this!"

I put my hands on the sides of her face and kissed her. She kisses back and before I know it I'm carrying her up the stairs. We run down the hallway to her room like teenagers. (I know they're teens but they act like adults so just be cool!)

She unlocks the door and we walk in. I push her against the wall and we kiss. I never felt so alive! Every time I look at her I fall deeper and deeper in love with her.

"(Y/ N) can I tell you something?"

"You can tell me anything Newt,"

"You're beautiful,"

"You're just saying that to flatter me,"

"I'm not, (Y/ N) you are beautiful, smart, brave, bright, generous and everyday I worry that some other guy will impress you and you won't want me anymore,"

"Newt, I love you, I don't want anyone else, I want you!"

We kiss and we spend the next few hours curled up under the covers of her bed. We talk, that's all we do, I'm a gentleman and I would never take advantage of her also call me traditional but I feel like people should be married before that.

She ends up falling asleep in my arms and I feel complete, truly complete.     

How on shucking earth did a angel like her get put in a awful place like this?

//looking at this in the future makes me cringe so bad but oh well//

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