Who is the benefactor?

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One lettter every month, once a month. That letter was a death note. Innocent boys, one only about thirteen years old, possibly younger, died. Children launched into a war zone like missiles. Young souls experiencing more grief over their friend's death than most adults. At least that person would apologize after and say that it wasn't their fault. Sometimes you feel like you know this person. So, one day you sent a letter back, desperately hoping for answers to your many questions.

Dear benefactor,
I need answers, please give me some answers. Do I know you?
Can you get us out of this maze? Do you want to protect the Gladers? Are you someone I care about? There's so much more I want to ask you but I need to know,  if you're a friend or a foe?
(Y/ N)

A month later you get this response;

Dear (Y/ N),
First off, Harry's going to die. Now that we have got that out of the way, we can begin. You're my sister but because of that injection that takes away your memories, you don't remember me. I'm sorry that you have to find out like this but there is no other way, I know you are scared and confused but you have to believe me. I love you,even though you don't remember me. You didn't have to go into that maze but being that selfless person that you are, you went in for Newt, your true love.

I still remember the first time you introduced Newt, how your face lit up and your eyes filled with that happiness which had disappeared for such a long time. I wish I could be in there with you but then uncle Janson would probably go insane and most likely kill people. Yes, Janson is our uncle and he works for WICKED but we didn't agree with his choices. He was a great uncle until our family died, it took a toll on him. I miss you so much. You, Newt, Minho, uncle Janson and auntie Ava are the only people I have left.

I will find a way for you and all the other gladers to get out of that maze, if it's the last thing I do. Stay safe,send my love to Minho and remember I love you (Y/N).

Lots of love from,
Genesis , your sister

After you, Newt and Minho read that, Minho fainted, hard. But right before he fainted he whispered,"Genesis."

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