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Your view
It is the third night and you sit worried at the fact , that you will face another night of terror and dismay. Newt can't save you again. Your mind has gone wild about Newt, should you hug him or slap him. Kiss him or shout at him. You don't know what to do apart from being grateful that he saved you. Since the plan didn't work last night, everyone is staying in the homestead.

Time skip

You tucked in your knees quietly and sat beside Genesis, your sister. No one was to speak incase the grievers heard. You turn your head and see Newt looking straight at you. You see his stern expression but you also see the boy hiding under the disguise of a man. Your eyes meet and for a moment you forget about the situation, until you hear the scratching of a metal claw. You jump at the griever roars and you shiver at the sound of metal grinding.
When the scariest thing seems to be the grievers, it gets worse.

The door is flung open and Gally walks in. He was taken by the grievers last night, he is supposed to be dead.

His eyes are raged with lunacy; his clothes were torn and filthy.

"They'll kill you!" He screams, spit flying everywhere.

Everyone sat or stood still, even Newt.

"You!" He pointed at Thomas.

"And you!" He yelled at Genesis.

"Even you !" He screeched at me.

"It's all your fault!" He hissed at the three of us.

He formed his hand into a fist and it crashed into Thomas's ear. Thomas cried out in agony, making tears form in my eyes. Newt finally snaps out of his daze and pushes Gally away.

"It can't be solved," Gally says, "The shuck maze 'll kill all you shanks....The grievers will kill one of you each night, till it's's better this way....They'll only kill you one a night....their stupid variables...."

Newt took a step forward. "Gally, shut your bloody hole - there's a griever right outside the window. Just sit on your butt and be quiet- maybe it'll go away."

"You don't get it Newt. You're too stupid, always have been! There's no way to win!" Gally screams, while walking to the window.

He begins to rip away the wooden boards covering the window.

"No!" Newt shouts, pushing Gally away from the window.

Gally hits Newt on the head with a plank of wood, making Newt fall on the floor. You scream at the blood and rush over to Newt. Your eyes fill with a lagoon of endless tears.

Thomas and Gally fight until Gally rips the final plank of wood from the window. At that point, a griever reaches through the window and grabs Gally. While being dragged away, he shouts "The changing! You will all see!"

You kneel down next to Newt. Please Newt, please be okay.

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