My Everything

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Minho view
I remember her, she was my everything, she was the only person to ever slow me down. I remember her beautiful grey eyes and her dark blonde hair.

I remember how her hair was short and that she almost always had a hair band on. I remember how she hated it when I lost my cool but also found it funny in a way.

She was my beginning and my end, the omega to my alpha, my own personal guardian angel.

One day, when I was only 9, I met her. She was new at this ' prison' they had put us in. Eleven year old Galileo (Gally) went up to her and started saying things like "What's a princess like you doing here?" "Princess!" "Your majesty, I thought princesses were supposed to be pretty!"

That was when she pushed him to the floor and grabbed his shirt.

"Stop talking you moron, I have no time to waste on people like you!" She shouted at his face. He quickly ran and I walked over to her.

"Sorry about him, I'm Minho and that waste of space was Gally." I said trying to be confident.

"Well, I'm Genesis, nice to meet you, Minho!" She said shaking my hand.

After that we were best friends until we were 14. We kissed then something changed, everything changed to be honest.

We were girlfriend and boyfriend unofficially like (Y/ N) and Newt. We had unofficial double dates and everything seemed to be right in the world. Until me and Newt were put in the Maze. Genesis cried and cried, telling me not to go even though I had to.

I remember her and know I have to get back to her. Only way to do that is to get out of this Maze. So I will get out of this Maze, so that I can see my angel, my love ,my rock, my everything.

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