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October 21st, 2013, at 6:45pm
Columbus, Ohio
The Dun Residence

"Brendon, I'm being serious about this."

Josh sighed and rested his chin on the palm of his hand. Sometimes he wishes he would've chosen other friends.

"Please, Brendon take this seriously," said Ryan Ross, Brendon Urie's boyfriend, and one of Josh's many and supportive friends. "I am! And I'm being serious, too!" Brendon exclaimed.

Patrick Stump rolled his eyes at him. "Brendon, we're not going to play with some stupid Ouija board," he said, exasperated. Patrick was a bit moody sometimes, but other than that, he was really nice and one of Josh's first friends.

Through him, Josh had met lots of new people. People that didn't judge him or make fun of him or beat him up for fun. They were understanding and incredible people.

"Honestly, Brend, do you seriously believe that shit even works? They sell that at Toys 'R Us, for God's sake," grumbled Pete Wentz, an understanding and trustworthy person, who also had a crush on Patrick Stump but would never admit it.

"I'm not saying I believe it works, I wanna see if it works. My sister says it does, but I never trust her or believe anything she says, so why not try it out ourselves and see? Maybe we can 'contact' whatever is messing with Josh," Brendon stated, shrugging his shoulders at the end. As if it were that easy, Josh thought.

"Dude, you're crazy."

"Tell me something I don't know."

Half of what was left of the afternoon was spent on bickering wether to use and Ouija board or not. Most of it was just Brendon getting fired at by Patrick with his sassy remarks.

"Fine. Let's try it out and see what happens," Josh said finally, ending the discussion. All eyes turned to him, most confused, and only a pair lit up like Christmas lights. "I'll go get it then!" Brendon exclaimed, rushing out the door before anyone could stop him.

"Are you sure about this, Josh?" Ryan questioned, his eyes brows furrowed, and his tone laced with worry and concern. Josh nodded affirmatively, making them all silent. Let's see what this brings us...Josh though, a sense of dread gnawing at him.

After minutes of waiting in painful, awkward silence, Brendon came back with the forsaken board. He set down the box containing it on the small coffee table in the living room where his friends sat at.

"Seriously? Glow in the dark?" Pete scoffed, raising an eyebrow at Brendon, a small scowl playing on his lips. "It's my sister's, not mine," Brendon retorted.

"Who cares about that? Let's just get this over with," Patrick voiced up, already opening the box. He pushed the box away, and set out the board on the middle go the table with its heart-shaped planchette over it.

"So, we all now how to play this, right?" Brendon asked. Everyone nodded and muttered small "Yeah"s making Brendon smile in excitement. No one understood why he was so excited about this. It was just weird and creepy. "Alright! Let's do this."

Everyone put their hands on the planchette. Josh could already feel the presence of, not one, but of many; each one raging with different auras of power. He was starting to regret this decision even more now. He's never felt something like this before, making the feeling of dread and the knot in his stomach grow bigger.

"Is there anyone here with us right now?" Ryan asked, a knot forming in his throat, making his voice slightly strained and quiet. The planchette didn't move. They waited and waited for a reaction. And waited and waited and waited. Nothing. "Is there anyone here with us?" Ryan asked again, raising his voice and making himself louder.

Immediately, the planchette moved to the word "Yes". Josh's heartbeat sped up, and cold sweat started to run down his neck, as chills went down his spine. The hairs on his arms and the back of his neck rose, creating goosebumps on his skin. A feeling of terror and horror set into him. He feared that this...this menacing entity he feels now around them, will hurt his friends.

"Okay, who moved it?" Patrick asked, a tinge of fear in his voice. They all looked at each other and shook their heads. "I didn't move it," Brendon muttered.

"Neither did I," Ryan followed.

"Me neither," said Josh.

"This is some bullshit," muttered Pete. "Let's ask it something and see," suggested Brendon. "Alright then..." Patrick muttered.

"Uh...W-what's your name?" Ryan stuttered out and soon the planchette moved quickly to different letters. Josh and Patrick were the only ones to get the name out.

The planchette had moved to the letter 'B', 'L', 'U', 'R', 'R', and 'Y'. It paused for a moment, the continued to the letters 'F', 'A', 'C', and 'E'. Then it stopped and didn't move anymore.

It's name was BlurryFace. And somehow, it set a deep frightened feeling into Josh.

a/n: well this just got interesting ;) cant wait to upload the next chapter for you guys to see the shit that will unfold hehe (remember to vote and comment,love you guys!)

{sorry for typos, writing this on my computer / unedited}

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