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a/n: i am so fucking sorry that i was never able to update recently. i left you guys waiting for this for so fucking long, i'm so sorry guys i had a lot going with school, bc teachers always decide to bombard you with tests, projects, and presentations for the last moment when you're already juggling with things that they gave you like 3 days ago. but it's spring break and today is my day off from absolutely everything, so i finally got to write this chapter for you all. thank you all for being so patient with me and waiting for this update :) you guys make my life complete! so, enjoy this anxiety-ridden chapter! love u all! (also, sorry for any typos, i'll try to fix those later. and i'll try to update the next chapter by tomorrow or on monday!)

 and i'll try to update the next chapter by tomorrow or on monday!)

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

November 11th, 2013 at 3:33pm
The Dun Residence

It's been a week since Tyler had told Josh that Frank hadn't seen him, but something or someone else. And Josh was still stuck on that thought. Tyler hadn't said or done anything after that night, and he hasn't shown himself to Josh at all, either. The voices and nightmares were back, too, though the nightmares were repetitive. He would always have the same nightmare.

Josh was practically aching to tell Tyler about the odd dreams before he told Frank. But there was still no sign of Tyler—no matter how many times Josh asked and practically begged to see him. It worried Josh, a lot. Why hasn't he said anything nor showed up at all? Why are the nightmares and voices back? Did Tyler decide to break his promise? And why were the pictures that Josh took at the cabin scattered across his bedroom floor, when he swore that he put them in a binder?

Josh's eyes were wide with shock when he came back from school to find all of the gruesome pictures scattered out on the floor. He kneeled down to pick them up when he realized that they were all lined up in a specific order; not scattered. With furrowed eyebrows, he stared down at the pictures, and stood up slowly, trying to observe the order the pictures were placed in. They started off from the outside, continuing to the inside, as if entering, and ended in the room where the remains of Tyler's late sister were found. He examined the pictures carefully from where stood.

Was this Tyler's doing? If it was, why didn't he say anything or show himself? No...Josh shook his head, Tyler barely has a clue about any of this, so it couldn't be him. But if it wasn't him, then who? Josh pondered on who could have done this and why for a good while. Had someone come into his room and done this? No, there aren't any signs that a person had entered the room. None that could signify that someone had come into his room from the outside or inside. So, there was only one logical answer to this small mystery; the culprit must be someone or something like Tyler. A phantom, a spirit.

Josh kneeled down, and observed the pictures more carefully and closely. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, because he couldn't seem to understand what this meant, yet. That's when he noticed an odd black smudge in the pictures. He picked up the first picture that started the sequence, and noticed that the black smudge had a humanoid figure. As the pictures ascended, going from outside to inside, the figure also went with the sequence.

Josh's breath hitched, and he could feel a knot tying up in his throat, as his heartbeat sped up. His hands began trembling. The humanoid figure had entered the house, went to the room where the remains were in, and it looked as if it were checking on them. The weirdest thing though...is that Josh had taken these pictures exiting the house. It was like showing everything in rewind.

There was also a pictures among the rest that Josh hadn't taken—the last one. Josh stared at it in shock and fear. It was a picture of Tyler's sister's...head, among the pile of limbs, with her eyes wide open, as if she were still alive.

Tyler jerked up. He started breathing heavily, looking around distraught. Where was he? He was with Josh a while ago. Tyler stood up quickly, almost stumbling back down, and started looking around more frantically. He needed to know where he was. He swallowed hard, and clenched his fist, trying to calm down, but he couldn't. He hadn't panicked this much since he was alive, and when the demon—that he'd named Blurryface—took possession over his poor, innocent, and distraught soul. He shook the memory out of his head; no time to think of those things. It's already in the past, and he was already what he never wanted to be, and what he'd always feared...

He started taking deep breaths, and closed his eyes, ease coming to him after a while of doing this. He opened his eyes again, and looked around, taking in his surroundings, carefully. He noticed that he was somewhere that wasn't Columbus. He felt as if he was relayer away from his home, from Josh. He ran a hand through his hair, and sighed, beginning to walk forward and see if anything around could tell him where he was at the moment. Though, this place looked oddly familiar.

Pine and oak trees loomed over him, their leaves and pines and twigs falling off there branches as the strong winds swept over them. Tyler shuddered slightly, getting a bit of déjà vu. He swears he'd been here before, and that he's seen all of this before. After a while of walking, he comes to the edge of the forest he was in and sees a road. The road goes horizontally, and across from the road is a house that looks new, but old at the same time. Tyler frowns, and furrows his eyebrows. He swears he's been here before. But when?

He starts walking across the road, towards the wooden house. He sees a car—a classic Mustang from the 1990's—parked in the driveway. And again, he swears he's seen in before. He clenches his fists at his sides, already pissed at being so confused, and not being able to remember simple things. Tyler sighs, and heads straight towards the house, climbing up the steps of the porch and walking right through the front door.

There are people in the house, he can feel it, but he doesn't care. He knows that no one will see him unless he wants them to, and he doesn't. He won't make himself visible to them, he only let's Josh see him. He's the only one allowed to see him and call him by his real name.

Tyler looks around the inside of the house, noticing that the kitchen light is on. He swears to God that he's fucking been here before, but when? He decides to walk into the kitchen and see who's in there; maybe seeing the person or people who are in there will help him remember.

When he walks inside, he sees an old man putting a black bag onto the kitchen counter, and that's when it clicks. It's Josh's grandfather. This is Oregon, and he's inside Josh's grandparents' house. He stifles a small gasp, and clenches his jaw. How come he hadn't realized this before?

He watches Josh's grandfather as he takes some things out of the black duffel bag, and Tyler's eyes widen in shock when he sees a familiar lock of hair, and soon, a head. His sister's.

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