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November 4th, 2013 at 12:01pm
Columbus, Ohio
Rosemary High

Josh walked into the lunchroom, and looked around for the table where his friends sat at. "Why don't you just stay in the library? It's much more peaceful, and quiet," Tyler whispered into his ear, making Josh shiver. "Because I haven't seen my friends since last week, and I need to talk to them—they could help us with this," Josh muttered under his breath, smiling widely when he spotted Pete's bright-pink hair.

Josh walked over to the tale where his friends sat, ignoring Tyler's complains about what he'd stated. Maybe he was annoyed by them, probably because they were the ones who tried to contact him through an Ouija board. But then again, if it weren't for Brendon and them doing so, Josh would have never been able to get Blurryface (aka Tyler) off his back or help Tyler with his case.

He sat beside Ryan, a huge smile on his face. "Hey, guys!"

"Hey, Josh," Pete greeted, his head rested on Patrick's shoulder. The rest greeted him, except one person—someone he'd never met before. A boy with small gauges, and black ebony hair sat beside Gerard. He stared at Josh with curious eyes. It made Josh slightly uncomfortable, but then, the boy turned his vision to look at something behind Josh and he swallowed hard, looking down. Josh raised his eyebrow at him, wondering what had he seen.

"Oh! Josh, this is Frank Iero," Brendon gestured to the ebony haired boy who'd been staring at him. "He's a good friend of Gerard's from Jersey." Frank looked up, and locked eyes with Josh. Josh's stiffened at his stoic expression, but his nerves eased once Frank's expression softened and a small smiled formed on his lips. "Nice to meet you," he spoke softly, his voice calm and soothing. Josh smiled back, and replied, "Likewise."

The rest of lunch period was spent with them arguing about movies and tv shows, talking about music, and trying to get to know Frank better. Though, he was just silent, and shrugged at most of the questions, evading them completely; Gerard just tried to explain this by saying: "He's fine, he just doesn't really like talking about himself."

While Josh talked to the others, though, he couldn't help but feel eyes burning holes through him. He tried to ignore it as best as possible, and tried not to glance in the direction where he felt the gaze coming from, but it was bothering him way too much now. At midst of his conversation with Pete about his recently died hair, Josh glanced in Frank's direction, noticing that Frank was indeed that one burning holes into him. Josh swallowed hard, and tried to ignore him again as best as possible.

That Frank Iero kid was beyond weird to him now. Even though, all his friends, including himself, were, too. But Frank was...Frank was something else. Maybe something much like Josh himself...

November 4th, 2013 at 3:25pm
The Dun Residence

When Josh arrived home that evening after school, he wasn't expecting this. He thought he would be able to relax, and kick back for a while after an exhausting day at school, but that seemed completely out of the question now. He stared at his aunt's, uncle's, and grandparents' cars parked in front of his house , and sighed loudly in exasperation. Even more suffering for me...Yay.

Josh was angry, of course—he hadn't been told anything by anyone about having "family" over, but then again, no on even pays attention to Josh; they might as well forget he exists—but he was even more pissed at the fact that these were his least favorite "family" members, and he'd have to suck it up for a whole evening, because he knew how strict his parents were when it came to these things. And damn, did he hate that about them.

Josh unlocked the front door begrudgingly, and walked inside, already preparing himself both physically and mentally for what was to come.

"How was school?" he heard his mom ask, as he entered the house, and closed the door behind him. He only shrugged, and muttered: "Okay, I guess." His mom only nodded, and hummed softly. "Alright...Well, go get ready; family's over, and dinner will be ready in an hour," she stated before heading back into the kitchen, not even letting Josh reply. He sighed and headed upstairs, and into his bedroom.

He walked into his room, closing the door behind, and flopped onto the bed, sighing loudly. "Are you alright?" he heard a voice whisper, instantly knowing it was Tyler. "No, not really. But what's new?" Josh muttered, getting up from the bed. "Is it because of your family? If it is, don't let them get to you," Tyler said, his voice sounding stronger than before, more there.

He walked over to his closet, and opened it, taking out a black t-shirt with a sigh. "I try, Tyler, I try. But sometimes, they just get on my nerves with the stupid shit they say," Josh grumbled, changing his shirt for the new one, ignoring Tyler's presence in the room.

Tyler walked closer to Josh. "You family was sort of the same," he said. Josh stared at him confused, and with a raised eyebrow. "My family thought I was out of my mind—crazy, even. Only because I could see, hear, and feel things they couldn't. But I learned to ignore those certain opinions and thoughts they had of me, because I knew that despite all that, they still loved me either way. And in the end, we are still family, they're still my family. You don't need to listen to what they have to say about you, you don't need to pay attention to what they think of you.

"You're special, Josh, but you haven't realized that. You're not useless, you're not crazy, you're not what others think of you—you're you, Josh. And you are special. Who else can speak to the dead, and see and hear them, in your family? Among your friends? Only you. Don't doubt yourself, Josh. You're more than just an opinion."

Josh stared at Tyler with wide eyes, his mouth slightly agape. He was so shocked and awestruck with Tyler's words—how could he believe that this phantom actually said something like that to Josh? After being dead for so long? It didn't make sense, but Josh liked it, oddly enough.

He stared up at Tyler, who wore a serious expression. "Wh—Why are you telling me this?" he stuttered out, not expecting Tyler's reply.

"Because I care."

a/n: this is where the pain begins :))))
so anyway, sorry for any typos and stuff, i''ll try to fix it later, but i still hope that you guys still liked this!! love you all, and remember to vote and comment!!

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