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November 4th, 2013 at 4:36pm
The Dun Residence

Tyler has been silent ever since he showed his soft side to Josh. Meanwhile, Josh was suffering all through dinner, trying his best to keep quiet, and still pondering on the words from a certain phantom. "Because I care." The words still resonated in his head, making his heart beat a few times faster—for some reason.

"I hear you still talk to—" Josh's aunt got cut off by the ring of the doorbell, and Josh couldn't thank God any more than he was now. "I'll get it," he said, standing up from his seat, and walking out of the kitchen. He wasn't up for any more offensive comments than the ones he'd received in the past hour.

He walked up to the front door, and opened it, revealing the person Josh least expected to see. "Frank," he muttered, looking at the short boy curiously. "I know this is unexpected, but I must talk to you, urgently," Frank said, his voice oddly calm, but with a tinge of desperation. "Um, alright..." Josh muttered, as he closed the door behind him, and stepped outside. "What is it?" he asked.

Frank takes a deep breath, and looks at Josh dead in the eye. "There's something evil lurking around you. I might sound crazy, but it's true—I saw it with my own eyes. It's like a shadow. It's black, but you can't see it clearly, because it's completely blurred out. The only thing prominent about it, are these beady red eyes on his face. I know I sound crazy but—you have to believe me."

Josh's eyes widened in shock at Frank's words. He saw Tyler. Frank saw Tyler. Josh didn't know if to be scared or happy about this foreign news, but he decided to go with the latter. "I believe you," he said, making Frank look up at him with wide eyes. "I don't think you're crazy at all."

Frank smiled widely. "Are you serious? Not a lot of people believe me when it comes to this. They either think I'm crazy or the a devil-child. The only one who believes me is my mom—she's a medium."

"Well, I'm kind of the same, too. I see and hear things others can't. And wow, this sounds like a conversation between middle-schoolers," Josh laughed softly, and Frank did too. "Well, uh, come in," Josh stepped aside to let Frank in. Frank walked into the wooden house, eyeing everything inside. He shuddered.

"Mom, I'm going to be upstairs! Forgot about a project I needed to do, and it's due tomorrow!" Josh yelled into the kitchen, and took Frank's hand dragging him upstairs, before anyone saw him. "Okay!" he heard his mom yell back. He led Frank into his room, and closed the door behind as soon as he got inside.

For the rest of the afternoon, and half of the night, Frank and Josh spent it talking about anything and everything. Frank had told him about his favorite bands, why he had moved, and his experiences with the dead. And wow, Josh never thought he'd say something like that or be able to talk to someone about that. Frank had also told him about his relationship with Gerard, and that he was openly bisexual, but Gerard was still having a bit of a hard time with this whole figure-out-your-sexuality thing, though he was pretty sure he was gay.

Josh was trusting Frank enough to tell him about Tyler, and the whole ordeal. The phantom only groaned in displeasure for getting more people involved in this mess, but Josh knew Frank would be of great help, along with the rest of his friends, who seemed stupid—or so people have called them—but are more clever and intelligent than they let on. Frank had agreed to help.

At midnight, Frank got a call from his worried mother, and had to return home. Josh invited him to come over to his again after school the next day, and was glad enough that he had agreed, even his mom did.

Now, it was three in the morning, and Josh still couldn't sleep. He stared up at the ceiling, thinking about Tyler and his case. So many questions now revolved in his head, and somehow Tyler could feel his unease, too. The moon shown through the window, its light illuminating the room. At a far corner of his room stood Tyler with his arms crossed, and the moon's light bringing out features from his face, making him look menacing,

"Can I tell you something?" he asked in a soft, cautious voice. "What?" Josh muttered from his bed, still staring up at the ceiling.

"It wasn't me he saw."

Josh froze.

a/n: sorry that it's short >.< but this is already starting the rising action and soon we'll reach the climax. also, sorry for any typos, but i still hope you guys enjoyed! love you all!

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