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a/n: absolutely shameless self-promotion above! y'all would make me really happy if you follow me on those! and if you have any questions or submissions or suggestions, you can just head to my ask.fm!! [also, if u want my snapchat, just private message me!] alright, now back to the real business...okay so...this story is gonna have approximately about thirty to thirty five chapters (yep, that means the end of this is pretty close!) and i already have the ending completely planned! i'm excited to finally get to present it to you guys but im also sad bc i really don't want to finish this...but we'll see what happens! {sorry for any typos and grammatical errors! i'll try to fix that as soon as possible.}

November 12th, 2013 at 2:01pmFrank's House

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

November 12th, 2013 at 2:01pm
Frank's House

The shock and fright still hadn't worn off. Frank was still shaking, Brendon kept pacing around and running a hand through his hair, Gerard kept rubbing his hands together or against his jeans or biting his nails, and everyone else was doing their own thing to show their own signs of worry and anxiety. Frank's mother was currently tending to Josh.

As soon as they walked through the front door, with Pete carrying the poor boy in his arms, his mother rushed to them, mumbling things that he needed help quickly an that he was very sick. Her words scared everyone a lot more, and didn't make the situation better at all. Even though they already knew that, Josh hadn't been well in the pas week or this one, but they had a little bit of hop left for their best friend, whom they loved with their entire beings.

Though Frank had hope that Josh, the only clairvoyant he's ever met his own age, would be okay, he was doubting his recovery a bit. He shouldn't, he knows, but it's hard to when his mom, a person with a very high spiritual level, said he was very ill and needed immediate help, along with how much time she's taken with him in the bedroom. Frank always knew that if the person lasted more than an hour, then there was something malevolent beyond their imaginations around that person. It made Frank's fear and anxiety rise further. They couldn't lose Josh, he was important to them.

Frank ran his hands over his face, and let out a shuddery breath. He tried hard not tot cry, and he knew that everyone else was trying their best to contain their own tears. Gerard had his hand on his back, rubbing soothing circles, trying to maintain his own calm. Frank was very grateful for him...

After what seemed like hours, which were actually just a few more minutes, Frank's mother walked over to them, with a deep frown and grim expression on her face. Frank looked up at her, is eyes widening slightly. "Mom...Mom, what's—what's wrong with him?" he asked with a quivering voice. Everyone else's anxiety seemed to rise when they saw his mom's expression. It seemed as if all hope had been taken away from her. "I...I myself don't know very well, what's wrong, but I do have an idea. For now, I'll tell you how he's doing; he looks as if he were dying, but he's still alive. He keeps begging to see someone named Tyler, but when I ask where he is and who he is, he tells me he's gone, and that he needs to be found.

"He keep dry heaving and retching, but nothing comes up; his eyes are back to normal, though, which is good. He keeps sweating, and seems to have a fever, and his skin's gone ghostly-pale. There's something very wrong with him, and I have a feeling that it's nothing normal, at all. There's something very dark and malevolent circling him; I think that's what's causing all of this. And I have a feeling that this Tyler person is the only one who can help at this moment."

Josh's friends exchanged wide-eyed looks. Their best friend could be dying for all they knew, and the only person that could help was someone they didn't even know, and if they did, it seemed that he wasn't around at all. "I'll go keep an eye on him. The lot of you should try and find who Tyler is and where he is. And be careful, okay? Especially you, Frank," Frank's mother insisted, turning around and walking back into the room where josh was resting in.

They stayed silent, contemplating over many things, but the silence was soon broken when Brendon voiced up: "The Ouija board..." Ryan's eyes widened, and Pete's breath hitched, as he looked at Patrick, who had the same ashen look on his face. Frank looked at them with wide eyes, and Gerard did too. "Ouija board? Don't tell me...you fucking played with an Ouija board...please, tell me you didn't," Frank practically begged. Brendon swallowed hard, and nodded slowly. Frank's eyes grew even wider, as he shouted: "Are you fucking crazy?! Why would you even fucking think of doing that?!"

Brendon's eyes went wide, and he took a deep breath. "I—We—We wanted to know what was going on with Josh. He's—He's, like, clairvoyant, a medium, or something like that, and he can see things and stuff. He told us there was something that was bothering, and we really wanted to know what it was and why, because even he didn't know any of that. So—so I got my sister's Ouija board, and...yeah. We—We didn't think it would work, honestly. But then the planchette started moving to different letters—"

"What did it read?" Frank cut him off. "B-Blurryface..." Brendon whispered,. as if the mentioning of the name would bring a curse upon them all. Frank's eyes widened, a bile feeling crawling up his throat. The name, though not that scary, still sent shivers down Frank's spine. He sucked in a deep, shuddery breath, and decided to change the subject. "We need to find out who this Tyler is and where he could be. But how?"

"I—I think that this Tyler, isn't really human..." Patrick muttered. Everyone turned their eyes to him as he pursed his lips, thinking that he probably shouldn't have said that. "Sorry, it's stupid, maybe I shouldn't have—"

"No, it's not stupid," Pete cut him off. "It might actually be true." Frank nodded in agreement. "That's right...It could be true...But if that is true, then how are we going to get him here? Crystal balls are shit, the tarot isn't any better, and I don't trust Ouija boards, all they attract is demons looking for weak souls," Frank shuddered.

Everyone looked at him in some kind of shock, but weren't so surprised, considering everything that has happened. "I think we'll need to use the Ouija board, Frank," Gerard said, but Frank just shook his head in denial. "No way. Fuck that shit. I don't want to get possessed by a demon, my birthday's on Halloween already, that's a curse enough."

"Okay, true, but I think we'll need to use the Ouija, like Gerard said...I think it's the only choice we have," Ryan said, earning a sigh from Frank. "Okay, fine. If it's the last option we have, then let's do it. For Josh."

"For Josh," the rest chorused.

Tyler had woken up in Columbus, in Josh's room. He looked at the calendar that was hung up on the teenage boy's bedroom wall with wide eyes. It was the twelfth of November, meaning that he'd been gone for eight days, and didn't even realize it. Well, when you're dead, time doesn't really seem to exist at all, it's all just a continuous loop for him.

He stood up and looked at the digital clock that sat on Josh's nightstand. It was three in the afternoon, but Josh wasn't home yet, making Tyler furrow his eyebrows in confusion. Maybe he was with his friends...No, something told him that he wasn't. Something had happened, he can feel it.

Tyler ran a hand through his hair. Too much was going on, creating more confusion for him. The pain in his chest had never left, and it was starting to worry him more than it should. He'd never felt physical pain before, only the parts of his body that had been hurt when he was murdered. And he vividly remembers where he was hurt and how he was killed; he doesn't recall getting hit or stabbed in the chest. But he doesn't want to believe that this is because of Josh or has anything to do with him, he refused to believe it.

He stared down at his black-stained hands, noticing that the black taint was beginning to fade out even more. Tyler's eyes grew wide with shock and horror. What was happening to him? What was going on? He swallowed hard, and gasped when he felt a familiar thump in his chest.

a/n: kind of a filler, so next chapter's gonna be areal killer. i'll try to update tomorrow or monday, which i really hope i can! i'll try to not leave you guys on a cliffhanger next chapter, but that's inevitable :) love you guys and don't forget to vote and comment!!

Tragique ✧ joshlerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz