important note (please read)

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so it's really been 4 years since i last updated this, huh...oof...

i am incredibly sorry for leaving so many of you hanging with this story. after a while, i ran into a huge writer's block when it came to this fic. i didn't know what to write or how to proceed with the story. i had all the details planned out already—what the characters would end up doing, josh & tyler's relationship, how the mystery would be solved, how it would end, everything—but i didn't know how to piece it together and i barely had the time to actually sit down and do so.

writing and reading have always been huge passions of mine, they were more than just hobbies for me, they were a huge part of my life. but i went to a really competitive and rigorous school growing up, and when i was writing this fic, i was in the midst of getting ready for college (around 9th and 10th). classes became harder, we began getting more competitive with each other to see who would do better than everyone else each year, we were given more and more work—it was just too much. because of how focused i had to become in my school work and my grades and my GPA and all these standardized tests, i completely neglected writing. i didn't even read for fun anymore, it just seemed like a burden.

so i basically stopped writing and only did so whenever i had the time to, and it was usually small one shots no more than a few 100 words, and even some of those, i couldn't get done.

but i finally got the freedom to write and manage my time properly once i began university. i began writing drafts out for new stories/books and for older ones like this one. i now have the last 2 chapters written, and now i have to piece them together, but i have a clear sight of how this story will go.

updates won't be super fast, but i will try to get something out each week, especially since i have a lot more time in my hands because of quarantine. so i hope you can all who are still interested in this story look forward to the rest of this story and tyler & josh's journey!

i love you all very much and thank you for your endless support and the patience that you've had with me. thank you all so much. i hope you are all well and healthy! remember to stay inside & stay safe!

if you guys wanna chat with me, feel free to message me or comment here & talk abt how quarantine has been so far! love u all!

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: May 28, 2020 ⏰

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