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*Triggering content: gore

Josh ran as fast as he could, not knowing where he was going. He was running down a street of his neighborhood, but it didn't feel exactly like home.

He kept running and running, away from who-knows-what. His chest beat rapidly and strongly against his chest, his breathing was heavy, and was covered in cold sweat. He could even hear his beating heart.

It wasn't nighttime nor daytime, it was a mix between dusk and dawn. The sky was painted with a dark, blood-red color, everything was dark as if shadows took over the buildings and the items surrounding them.

Josh kept running until his legs stopped. He stood in front of a two-story wooden house, kind of like his own, but this one looked old and wrecked. He could feel strange and dark things inside of him, making the hairs on his body stand up straight. He swallowed hard, and despite his urge to hold back, he walked forward and into the house.

Everything was dark inside, giving the house an even bigger sense of eeriness. Somehow the whole setting made Josh's memory jog back to that one movie that always seemed to get him; Monster House. This place reminded him a lot of that movie.

He shook the thoughts out of his head and walked around some more inside. The floorboards creaked and squeaked at every step he took. He tried really hard not to make a sound, but it was inevitable.

Josh looked around, not being able to see much due to the darkness, but he could feel eyes around him; something was watching him.

A cold wind came out of nowhere and whisked past him, upstairs. He had to go upstairs. Josh took in a deep breath and made his way up the creaky, squeaky staircase. His breathing became ragged when he got to the second floor, not out of exhaustion—which was common—but out of fear of what he might find.

All the rooms on the top floor were locked, except two. A master bedroom and a large bedroom, where many people could sleep in. Josh didn't know this until the doors to said rooms creaked open by themselves. Heavy footsteps were then heard around the hall and two dark figures entered the master room.

Screams and wails of pain echoed in the hall from the room, and Josh swore he could hear bones crunching and liquid being splattered. He gagged. The two figures exited the room and went for the large bedroom. That's where Josh was taken to.

He stood at the doorway, trembling, shaking, and now at the verge of tears. There was so much pain, agony, and misery radiating from outside this room. But there he stood, watching as these two dark figures made a mess of not one, but four people.

Their screams, cries of help, and wails of agony, as they were being butchered to death made Josh want to die right then and there. Watching this happen was even bigger torture. He wanted to do something but he couldn't, there was no helping them now.

The first three didn't have it as worse as the fourth one, though. A young guy, who seemed to be at least nineteen or twenty, had it so much worse than what Josh thought to be his other siblings.

He had his eyes torn out of his sockets, leaving nothing but black holes. His tongue had been ripped out of his mouth, leaving it wide open, and empty. He had a noose tied around his neck and he was hung by the ceiling fan of the room.

Josh didn't know he was crying until he found himself screaming in agony and pain. But what was worse to him was the date on the blood-splattered calendar on the wall.

October 31st, 1998.

"You knew my name," a dark, menacing, yet soft voice whispered in Josh's ear. He started trembling  even more until he couldn't stand still. He dropped to his knees and whimpered, as more tears streamed down his now extremely pale face. "Now you know my story. Nice to meet you...Josh."

a/n: and they finally meet! not in the best way possible but oh well! was that too violent? or just right?  (sorry for any typos lol)

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