Ch. 4- What Am I?

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     I was woken up by a man. He was very buff and had dark skin like Christie. His  dreadlocks to his torso and beautiful green eyes that looked so sad but yet comforting. He was wearing a green v-neck shirt and baggy jean shorts to his knee caps.

  "Hey she's awake!" He yelled as I sat up slowly and seen Christie, Rae and the very buff guy.

  "I told you that she would come back." Rae laughed. She had opened a cooler and grabbed a silver pouch, bit a whole in it with her teeth and stuck a straw in the side of it. She had put the straw to her mouth and giggles with the man. Which, by the way, had a very adorable chuckle.

  "You came back." Christie ran to me and hugged me tightly. She gave me a big smile.

    "So, what changed your mind?" She had a worried look like she knew It was because of my father.

   "Well, I couldn't stay there Chis. It's like they forgot that I left with you." I stood up turning my back toward Christie and lifted my shirt to show my lower back. I heard a gasp and turned around to see tears in Christie's eyes. Rae didn't seemed fazed and the man had a dumbfounded look of hurt and hate.

   "I'm so sorry Karlie!" She wrapped me in a really tight hug and I could hear her sniffling.
   I didn't know what to think at this point. I pulled away from Christie as the dark skinned man walked over to us.

   He stuck his hand out to me. "Hello, Karlie, my name is Laurent. I'm glad you decided to come around. Christie was pretty upset last night." He pulled Christie to him and kissed her on the nose. She smiles as they gave each other a quick peck.

  "So, can I get some info about all of this? I mean I understand that I'm supposedly a witch or vampire or whatever, but why do you guys need my help?" I sat back down where I was sleeping and covered myself with my blanket from the chill that just went through my body. It was windy up here, being that it was so close to the beach.

      "Well." Rae started walking over to me and sat in a chair right next to me. 

      "You have a great grandmother that is queen of a powerful vampire Kingdom. We think she has Christie's mom and Abby." She bit into an apple she had been tossing around.

     "Wait!? Christie you told me your mom and Abby died?" I looked at her with a stunned look. She looked at me and gave me a small grin.

   "Well I didn't know either. There was a fire except, I only found out by my Nanna that she's been seeing visions of my mom.  So has Rae. They say she's tied up in a dark cell with a blind fold on and bite marks all over. When they try to see Abby there is something stopping them. They can see the past of her being born and turning one and all that. But when they try to see the now and the future of her. They get blocked." Christie hugged Laurent a little tighter.

   I was still very confused. "But why do you need my help?" Rae gave me a dumb found look. Christie had looked away and her and Laurent stood closer to the fire that was blazing. Rae pitched in since no one else would.
     "Your the only one who can stop her, Karlie. I don't know how but you are her bloodline. She's your mothers grandmother. And honestly Karlie, she is after you. After your powers start she will look for you to take over her kingdom and take on her rituals. She is scared of you finding your powers because well. You can kill her. Nora wants you as a weapon. She wants to take out Brazil and England's Kingdoms and take over." She paused for a long time. If I figure out my powers and start using them then that means she could find me anytime and how would I kill her? I could feel the tension coming on that there's something else she's about to tell me that I don't want to hear.

  "Karlie, your mother and whoever her siblings are, the transition skipped them and went to you and your brother." She looked at me for a response but I didn't have one I was stunned. I couldn't think or even move. My brain finally caught up to me.

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