Chapter 24- The Life

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         We spoke our goodbyes to Fawn and Emanuel, Adrian thanked Fawn more than i can remember for keeping me here and not letting me die completely. As soon as Fawn had kissed my cheek everything turned to bright white and i could no longer keep my eyes open. Wind hit my face as Adrian held me tightly. My head had turned so that my face was hidden from the light and wind against his chest.  Within moments everything had came to a halt. My eyes fluttered open to find i was staring at a white plastered ceiling.  

     "Karlie!" I heard Christie's voice in front of me. Adrian lifts me to my feet as i look around to find i am back in the castle, only, everything is different. There are guards bent over in a bowing position. Wolves are halfway laid down and heads bowed toward the floor. The woman vampires curtsy when i look to them. My eyes wonder to my friends who are smiling widely. Laurent holding Christie in a loose embrace, Abby next to them who also gives me a small curtsy, a smile plastered to their faces. They bow to me together in unison. My brows furrow as i turn to look at Rae who is holding the hand of Liam who also both bow before me. Everyone in this room of the castle, the maids and chefs, knights, guards, and more, all bow as my eyes scan the room. They land onto the man I came here for and many other familiar faces. Patrick Soco, my mother, aunt, and Mark all stand before me also bowing. 

      "Congratulations My Queen." A well-known voice speaks into my ear. As i spin to look at the man i love, he too, bows in front of me. All of them lifting back up.

    "All hail the Queen of England." They all chant as everyone surrounded me lifting me in the air, my body hovers from the hands that hold me in the air taking me to the throne that the evil Queen sat in. They all set me down onto the throne and soon something touches my head. Its cold and slightly heavy as i look up to see my father setting the crown that once laid on my grandmothers head, onto my very blond hair. 

       "Are you ready to be Queen." Patrick asks me as everyone looks in my direction. All these creatures are looking up to me to finally make their kingdom full of life, love, and happiness. I could not let these people, my people, down. 

     "Yes." I spoke loud enough so everyone could here.

     "I wont let you down." Everyone belted out screams of joy. 

    Its hard to believe just a while ago all of these creatures where trying to kill me and my friends. They all where under Nora's spells to obey. Most of their faces lit up as i watched many run around hugging others. A woman walks into the foyer silencing everyone. As we all look at the woman in unison Abby belches tears of joy as she runs to the dark skinned, bloodied woman, embracing her in a hug that makes everyone sigh in awe. Christie stands in silence as her eyes fill with clear tears. 

      "Mother." She speaks shuddering. She runs to the woman and hugs both Abby and her. As everyone reunites a small smile displays on my lips. I'm finally home. 

         Years Later......

      I watch as two little beautiful girls, one with blue eyes and long wavy brown curls, the other with green eyes and long blond hair exactly like mine, tackle Aiden into the deep grass. A laugh escapes my lips as Aiden pretend falls as if he died.  Both girls in shock as they stare down at the man. 

    "Daddy?" The smaller blond silently slips. A loud boom of a shout escapes Aiden's lips as he jumps up scaring the two beauties. They both scream and run as Aiden chases them around the field playfully. 

    "You're Majesty. Dinner will be served within the hour." A hefty, short haired woman mentions to me. 

    "Thank you Beatrice. We will be in soon." I reply softy. I look back to my wonderful fun filled family. They all lay in the grass looking up at the puffy white clouds that pass slowly. 

    "Come, my loves.  Dinner will be served within the hour. Go clean up and meet in the Dining area please. " The girls sigh and then race to the the Castle along with Beatrice. Aiden smiles and stalks up to me seductively. 

    "Your more vibrant than ever My Queen." He speaks while wrapping me into a tight hug and kisses my neck softly. 

    "Well, My King, as you know we have two girls. You should know what i shall look like when expecting. " I giggle and look into his eyes causiously. His face lights up as he lifts me up spinning me with laughs and amusement. 

    "You're Pregnant?" He asked with a bright face. I nod in response. 

   "Rae believes it to be a boy." I whisper in his ear as his face lights up in shock and happiness. 

    " Yes! Finally!" He yells loudly. Spinning me in the air again as he kisses me romantically. 

   We walk hand in hand to the Castle doors, and inside as Adrian seats himself at the far end of the newly restructured table. The table sets in the dining room and fills it almost completely. I place myself into the Queens chair. Everything that was covered in dust in the basement is now in the castle and in great use. The crown we had found those long years ago lay apon my head fashionably. Adrian, now king of England from our marriage wears a matching crown but more manly. The girls sit on a seat all cleaned and dressed well as people begin to pile in. Patrick, Tanya, Mark, and Julie all sit on one side. Mark and Julie are still together. As Patrick and Tanya have become very friendly with each other. Life has been simple as we fixed problems with other Kingdoms. Christie, Laurent and their newborn baby boy set on the opposite side of my family.  Rae, Liam and their adopted eight year old daughter sit next to Christie and her family. Rae is a full vampire so they where not likely to have children. We traveled to Asia to find her a suitable daughter. She is from a kingdom there, very well mannered and slightly awkward but she will get used to us fast. Christie's mother and Abby decided to leave and go back to the farm life with her newly wedded husband Carlisle, who used to be the gardener here at the castle but was under Nora's spell as well. Many of the creatures who where here when Nora ruled are still here. They have decent lives and are happier now that they are not always in war. Some have left to live there own lives though. 

       "May we announce that we are bringing the first young prince into the family." Adrian spoke as he lifted his wine glass. Everyone's faces lit up as he reveals the new to everyone. 

    "Cheers! And congratulations." My father belches out.  My life is whole because of secrets. My family is happy because of secrets that where told. My Kingdom is free because of secrets that helped me save it.

 Some say secrets are better left unsaid. I say my secrets are my story, my life. Little secrets matter.           -XOXO-Karlie.

                       The end 

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